Summer Weeks 2 & 3: July 16-29, 2017
Sunday, July 16 – Saturday, July 29, 2017
LEAP: Leadership, Experience, and Adventure Program with Cameron Gutjahr and a second leader TBC
LEAP, the Leadership Experience, and Adventure Program, is a two-week course for youth, ages 15 and 16.LEAP participants live, learn, work, and play together, forming a close-knit group within the larger community of Sorrento Centre.
LEAP fosters personal, spiritual and professional growth in leadership skills and work experience. Participants will be involved in a variety of fresh and exciting spiritual practices, and engaging workshops and activities.
LEAP includes a mid-program camping retreat off-site, as well as daily free time opportunities to relax and enjoy beautiful Sorrento Centre. While intensive and challenging, LEAP is also a lot of fun, and a potentially life-changing experience.
Ideal for those looking to volunteer or work at Sorrento Centre or a similar organization in the future, LEAP provides an opportunity much more rewarding than the average summer camp.
CAMERON GUTJAHR has a BSc in biology from UBC and is presently a seminary student at Huron University College. Cameron has worked with young people for many years, both inside and outside the church.
He graduated from LEAP 10 years ago and has worked 6 summers at Sorrento Centre as part of the Summer Youth Staff. Included among Cameron’s many passions are his ukulele, Baruch, theology and biology, repeat-after-me songs, community, and The Lord of the Rings. This is his second summer co-leading LEAP.
Course Fee: $835 includes program, meals and accommodations.
Founders’ Fund Grants are available; contact Sorrento Centre for information and applications.
Space is limited to a maximum of 10 participants. Early registration is advised.