Welcoming the New Year: A Twelve Step Retreat

December 30, 2013 - January 1, 2014
West Park NY


Monday, December 30, 2013 – Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Led by Sr. Shane Phelan

Do you struggle with the holidays? Or do you just need a tune-up? Either way, the New Year is a great time to take stock of your spiritual program. Come for some intensive step work and listen for the ways God is calling us to new life in the coming year. We will have meeting time each day and time for silent reflection and journaling. Opportunities for Fifth Step sharing will be available. We will have a midnight gratitude meeting on New Year’s Eve. Bring your step book and your journal.
This retreat is open to all people in 12-Step programs. Come with an open heart and a desire to see God in one another and yourself.

Cost: $210, deposit: $80

Categories: Programs  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction