Quest by Question
Tuesday, November 12 – Friday, November 15
Led by Sr. Elizabeth Broyles
Throughout time philosophers and theologians have grappled with the great questions that arise in being alive. The scriptures grapple, too: What is my relationship with God, my human family and creation? There are some very provocative ones: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” “Who do you say that I am?” Join us for this retreat to sit with nourishing and challenging questions. Come and practice “being patient with all that is unsolved,” in Rilke’s terms. Listen soulfully as the questions teach us. Bring your curiosity and a journal.
Elizabeth Broyles is a priest, spiritual director and retreat leader. She is currently living in St. Mary’s House on the grounds of Holy Cross Monastery, and is a Companion of Mary the Apostle.
Cost: $275, deposit: $80