In this kind of open and respect-filled space we can multiply our insight and our mutual resolve in addressing the life-destroying crises in which we are all immersed regardless of our faith affiliations. In bringing our whole beings – body, mind, emotion, spirit- into interfaith engagement, we will know that we are not alone; we live in a world of spiritual and religious diversity, a relational world that is alive with holy mystery.
Program Cost: $TBA ($ tuition + $ meals/accommodations) Please check this website for price information as we secure funding to offer this program.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Amir Hussain
Amir Hussain is a Canadian Muslim who teaches about Islam and world religions at Loyola Marymount University, the Jesuit university in Los Angeles. He has been involved in interfaith work since the 1980s. He is the co-editor of a textbook, World Religions: Western Traditions, published in its 3rd edition by Oxford University Press.
Tim Scorer
Tim Scorer is a master of experiential spiritual formation. He brings his passion for transformational faith and his practical experience with community organizations, congregations, and retreatants. He is author of the Experiencing Jesus guide that accompanies Borg’s Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary, as well as the DVD, Embracing an Adult Faith: Marcus Borg on What It Means to Be Christian. He also authored Experiencing the Heart of Christianity (for groups) and co-author ed Living the Heart of Christianity (for individuals. Tim was a long-time staff member at Naramata Centre, sister Centre to Tatamagouche Centre. He served for three years on staff at Penticton United and currently is Minister of Adult Faith Formation at St. Andrews-Wesley United Church in Vancouver. Vancouver School of Theology has announced that Tim is a recipient of its 2011 Honorary Doctorate.
Martha Martin
Martha Martin, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator is a Diaconal Minister doing educational ministry at St. Andrew’s United Church in Halifax, and is also the United Church of Canada Chaplain at Dalhousie University. She is the former Faith and Spirituality Coordinator with the Tatamaoguche Centre and very involved in youth and young adult programming.