Mindful Whole Person Care
Led by Patricia Dobkin, Ph.D. and Tom Hutchinson, M.B.
This intensive two-day workshop aims to introduce two complementary concepts: mindfulness and whole person care in the context of clinical practice. Participants will be physicians and other health care providers who will learn how to promote healing in one’s self and others through a variety of exercises and experiences (e.g., narratives, role play, meditation). Mindful communication will be highlighted as it is an essential element of professionalism. Sunday will provide a day of reflection and mindful practice to enhance participants’ well-being.
Up to 10 credits will be offered for this event by the Centre for Continuing Health Professional Education (CCHPE). The Centre for Continuing Health Professional Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS), and through the CACMS is accredited to award AMA PRA category 1 credits.
Date & Time: December 1, 2012, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm, and December 2, 2012, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Place: Royal Victoria Hospital, Employees’ Lounge, H4.56, 687 Pine Avenue West
For a map as well as directions to the Royal Victoria Hospital, please see: Getting to the Hospital.
Cost: $400.00 (lunch included)
Registration Form [.doc]
Please send us the completed registration form by email , fax (514-398-5111) or mail (Programs in Whole Person Care, McGill University, 546 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, QC H2W 1S6).
For information, call: 514-398-2298, or email .