Building Communities of Care: A Pastoral Care Series: Providing Pastoral Care During Transitional Times

October 26, 2012 - October 28, 2012
Offered by
Fort Qu'AppelleSK

Friday, October 26 (6 pm supper) to Sunday, October 28 (1 pm)

During this retreat we will focus our attention on providing pastoral care to people who are facing transitions in their lives such as changing health, moving to new living environments, facing financial crisis, manoeuvring through health care systems or facing new relational challenges. We will include the development of pastoral care skills, spirituality and prayer, boundaries and ethics, and referrals and resources in this retreat.

This is the third retreat in this series. People may participate in any or all of the retreat weekends.


Daryl Woods is currently in ministry with the people of Grace Westminster in Saskatoon which is served by an active pastoral care team.

Sandra Fowler is the chair of the Education, Outreach and Pastoral Care Committee of the Spirit Hills Pastoral Charge. She worked with the Farm Stress Line and is presently an assessor for homecare and long term care with a B.S.W.

Marg Janick-Grayston program staff, worked with people in mental health, rehabilitation centres and long term care facilities and has developed pastoral care teams in her work in congregational ministry.

Cost: $275 (10% off for groups of three or more people attending from the same pastoral charge)

Decision Day: October 12 Registration cost increases 10% after this date, so register early.

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Categories: Lifelong Learning  |  Pastoral Ministry  |  Retreats