The Sacred Triduum
Led by Fr. Craig Morrison, O. Carm. (Main Presenter) and the Retreat Staff
April 12-16, 2017
Retreat begins Wednesday with Seder Meal at 5:30 PM and ends on Easter Sunday after Mass and brunch
Celebrate the Christian community’s high holy days in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility with presentations to enrich one’s understanding and experience of oneself and the Paschal Mystery. At the heart of our retreat are the powerful and beautiful liturgies of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday Morning Mass.
Retreatants are invited to come earlier during Holy Week to spend private days before entering into the Sacred Triduum. Because schedules vary with each individual, our retreat is flexible to allow participants to join or leave at different times.
Please note that portions of the retreat will be in silence.
Cost per day: $130 per person includes three meals.
For those who want to only attend Easter Sunday Mass (10 AM) and Easter Brunch (11:15 AM), the cost is $25 per person for the Brunch.