Systematic Theology

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

Systematic theology seeks to tell a single story about God and God’s activity in the world from Creation to the Eschaton. There are points within that story that we will focus on, particularly as it comes to gaining clarity about God’s activity. The person of Jesus Christ as the central and seminal activity of the …
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The Diaconate

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

The Diaconate is an online course for deacons, deacons in formation, and those wishing to be better grounded in a sound understanding of The Sacred Order of Deacons including especially, members of local discernment committees and members of Commissions on Ministry. The course will consider the history of the Order of Deacons—what is helpful and what is …
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Church History: Anglican Identity

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

In this course, students will explore Anglican identity by practicing spiritual disciplines associated with key luminaries in the Anglican tradition. Students will be invited to pray Matins from Thomas Cranmer’s first prayer book, read the poetry of George Herbert and John Donne, sing the hymns of Charles Wesley, study Scripture with William Temple, practice contemplation with Evelyn Underhill, lament with C.S. Lewis and Desmond …
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Conversion and Transformation

Regent College

If you’ve ever wondered how conversion changes lives-–including your own––this course is for you. Examine the theology of religious experience, paying particular attention to the nature and character of Christian conversion and spiritual change. Discover that a comprehensive experience of conversion is essential for spiritual transformation and a vital piety. Gain a deeper understanding of …
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Christian Thought and Culture I

Regent College

This course and its partner, CTC II, are organized around the theme of “Christian Humanism.” Christian Humanism is our name for an integrative, Christ-centred approach to human identity and world-engagement that flows directly from the gospel and its interpretation in the early church. “God became human so that we could become fully human by becoming …
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The Art of Death and Theology of Hope

Regent College

Can art prepare Christians to face death with hope? In this course, we will identify key works of art and theological texts that depict suffering and death, exploring how they grapple with these realities, and come to appreciate how art may spiritually form us towards Christian hope. Artistic reflections will centre on paintings, medieval woodcuts, …
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Sharing, Solidarity and Action: Racial Justice and the Canadian Churches (An online gathering)

Canadian Council of Churches (The)

The Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network (CEARN) of the Canadian Council of Churches invites you to two days of ecumenical support and engagement in anti-racism in and through the churches. The immensity of the racism across the country that has risen up and become bolder has affected Canadian churches and its members. How are churches responding …
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CLAY 2023: Ashes and Embers

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Your 2023 Summer Youth Group plans? Sorted. Come and join us for CLAY 2023 from Thursday August 10th until Sunday August 13th for a jam packed weekend of worship, learning, community and fun. Never been to CLAY before? Check out the highlights from our last in person CLAY in 2018 for what to expect! Wilfrid …
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Consumed: A Sacred Quest

Renovaré Canada

Our spirituality is who we are, and our spiritual journey is as long as the days of our lives. At the end of our lives, each of us will have spent it on something; something will have consumed us. As christians, we hope to be consumed by christ, or, as the apostle paul states, “to …
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Biblical Storytellers Fall Retreat 2022

Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada

Friday supper to early afternoon Sunday with music and worship contemplative times biblical telling coaching for newcomers and those deepening their practice “Come away to the Rocky Mountains and spend time learning to tell Scripture this fall! King’s Fold is not far from Calgary, Alberta. This will be a time for those new to by-heart …
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