The God of the Gospel: Systematic Theology I

Wycliffe College

This course provides an in-depth exploration of two central Christian doctrines – the Trinity and the person of Christ – as well as reflection on the role of Holy Scripture and the nature of theology. This is the first part of a two-part sequence in basic Christian doctrine. 1 credit.

Go in Peace: Care for the Dying in Christian Community

Wycliffe College

This course is an introduction to the physical, emotional, practical and spiritual needs of the dying, and effective community and pastoral responses to those needs. Students will acquire a theological understanding of living well and dying well from a Christian perspective. They will become familiar with some of the ethical, legal, medical, and practical issues …
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The Bride of the Lamb: Systematic Theology II

Wycliffe College

An introduction to those loci (topics) within systematic theology having to do with the relationship between the LORD God and the world, especially to human beings as created, fallen, and transformingly engaged by divine grace. More specifically, we will be covering the themes of (1) creation and providence, (2) the human person, (3) sin, (4) …
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Reformation in Britain and Ireland

Wycliffe College

Surveys the Reformation in Britain and Ireland from the accession of Henry VIII (1509) to the death of Elizabeth (1603). Identifies the historiographical debates and the perspectives of modern scholarship. Assesses the condition of the late medieval church in respect of vitality, institutional disfunction, and reform. Provides a detailed examination of developments under Henry VIII …
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Called to Transformation: Ecumenical Diakonia

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

The Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean (DOTAC) will hold an online study series event using the document, “Called to Transformation: Ecumenical Diakonia.” The document to be used is a joint publication of the World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance and which provides a common platform for acting and reflecting together for the churches and …
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Dementia and Spirituality: Loss, Love, and Navigating Change Together

Canadian Mennonite University

With Jane Kuepfer, RP, PhD, MDiv, Schlegel Specialist in Spirituality and Aging with the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging and Conrad Grebel University College. Kuepfer is a spiritual director, an ordained minister, a registered psychotherapist, and serves as a spiritual care provider in a retirement home, alongside her teaching and research roles.  Within 10 years …
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Mennonites in Canada—from 1970 to the Present

Canadian Mennonite University

With Brian Froese, CMU Professor of History This course will explore what life was like in 1970 to the present and how Mennonites faced changes with respect to topics such as women in leadership, worship, music, education, missions, Indigenous relations, and politics in the context of larger social pressures.  

Pacifism with the War in Ukraine in Mind and Heart

Canadian Mennonite University

With Harry Huebner, CMU Professor Emeritus of Theology and Philosophy There are those who say that nothing has challenged their pacifist convictions more than the war in Ukraine. This course will create a forum for expressing thoughts and feelings about the horrors of war and will consider again what Christian pacifism is about.  

From Creation to Renewed Creation: Biblical Visions of God’s Good Future

Canadian Mennonite University

With Dan Epp-Tiessen, CMU Associate Professor Emeritus of Bible This course will explore biblical visions of God’s good future as portrayed in the Old Testament prophets, the book of Daniel, the Gospels, the letters of Paul, and the challenging book of Revelation. The course will claim that the New Testament asserts that the God who …
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