Groups develop ministry skills and earn micro-credentials through a 24-week online certificate program that combines group engagement with guidance from trained facilitators. Perfect for ministry teams, church groups, and non-profit team members! Available Tracks: Essentials for Biblical Interpretation Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Essentials for Youth Ministry Trauma Care and Healing Social Justice and Community Engagement …
View course details “Foundations in Faith & Leadership: A cohort-based online certificate program”
3 credits
Introduction to the Old Testament
3 Credits, instructor: Dr. Justin Comber
God and Climate Change: A Biblical Perspective
This course explores the question “Where is God in Climate Change?” from a biblical perspective. In virtually every form of media Climate Change is seen as an ever-present explanation for many natural disasters and crises, as well as an illustration of human failure, the result of our abuse of the earth’s environment. At the same …
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New Testament Introduction
The course introduces the New Testament (NT) from a historical, literary, and theological perspective. It focuses on the Canonical Gospels’ distinct nature: the authorship, the key themes, issues the authors addressed, the theological teachings, and their relevance for ministry today. Instructor: My name is Laurent Okitakatshi, the instructor for the course on parables. I am …
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The Pentateuch
The Pentateuch is a survey course in which students examine the first five books of the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Students will attend to the patriarchs and matriarchs, the earliest covenants, the exodus traditions, laws, codes, and rituals of the agrarian society represented in the biblical world of the Pentateuch. Students will explore a) …
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Christian Foundations I From Abraham to Jesus
Many people are familiar with the concept of an overarching narrative (storyline) when looking at the history of our faith: from the Old Testament, through to the New and on into the history of the church, we can see God at work. However, when people think of, say, the Old Testament, disconnected images come to …
View course details “Christian Foundations I From Abraham to Jesus”
The Book of Revelation
This course leads students through a close reading of the Book of Revelation to uncover its meaning in its socio-historical context and to explore its various interpretations both in critical scholarship and in popular culture. It introduces students to Revelation as an example of an ancient genre of literature and considers its enduring relevance to …
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Hebrew Bible II
This course is Part Two of a year-long sequence in interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. In the Fall semester we read the Pentateuch, the Historical Books, and Psalms. In the Spring semester we focus on Prophets and the remaining books of the Writings. Class periods will be divided into three sections: lecture, discussion and skills …
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Preaching Parables
Parables can be challenging for preachers and yet they comprise about 1/3 of Jesus’ teaching. How does one bring a fresh word that maintains continuity to this difficult and well-trod territory? This course explores biblical parables and their use in the preaching of Jesus with a focus on contemporary homiletical application. This is an upper-level preaching …
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