Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age

Regent College

What does it mean to be a Christian—and the church—in our secular age? More specifically, what does it look like to provide leadership for a church that responds with Christian integrity and missional effectiveness to our current social, cultural and political contexts? Examine a diverse range of historical sources providing unique insight into the meaning …
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Soul of Ministry: Becoming Persons-in-Relation

Regent College

This course is designed to help students explore some of the critical theological and personal dynamics of being and becoming persons who are image-bearers, persons-in-relation with the triune God, their fellow human, and creation, persons joyfully participating in God’s mission to the world of people and creation. The overarching goal is to help students in …
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Paul and His Letters

Regent College

This course is an introduction to the thirteen powerful letters attributed to Paul in the New Testament. Together we will investigate the Paul’s inspiring life of faith, and the life-transforming teaching contained in his letters. We will pay special attention to the issues raised when we seek to apply Paul’s insights to our lives today. …
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What Is the Gospel? Implications for Preaching, Worship & Discipleship

Regent College

What is the gospel, the ‘good news’ by and about Jesus of Nazareth? One of the presuppositions of this course is that although many who believe the gospel can answer the question to a significant degree, most of us have yet to fully appreciate just how ‘massive’ the gospel is. Thus we will seek to …
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Certificates on Christianity and Mental Health

Regent College

What does it mean to flourish as a whole person, made in the image of God? Conversations about mental health have become more visible in recent years, as scientific advances and social upheavals alike have cast new light on our inner struggles. These conversations aren’t easy or one-dimensional: they can encompass everything from everyday stress, …
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Seeking Sanctuary, Finding Shalom: Love, Community, and the Lived Experience of Mental Health Challenges

Regent College

This course will provide a unique blend of theology and practice focused around the lived experience of people with mental health challenges. We will develop a hospitable interdisciplinary dialogue within which different dimensions of the healing process of mental health care can come together with a view to exploring the theology, psychology and lived experience …
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One Conference

New Leaf Network

One Conference is an opportunity for Canadian Church Leaders to gather to experience a spiritual refreshing, gain renewed focus, and be effectively equipped to lead the church of tomorrow. The world has changed, and the church is changing with it.  This gathering is designed to stimulate new ideas, provide fresh energy, and build conversations and relationships that will …
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Transformational Coaching Training

New Leaf Network

What to expect? Each week during the online training sessions you can expect to invest an average of 5 hrs per week in developing this skill.  This breaks down to 2 hours for the online training, approximately 1.5 hours completing the required readings, and 1.5 hours engaging with your peer coaching partner via Zoom or …
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Spiritual Care for Trauma: People and Congregations

Luther Seminary

Why Spiritual Care for Trauma is Critical Much like an earthquake has aftershocks, traumatic experiences have an afterlife ― one that can last much longer than the moment itself. From the outside, someone can seem fine, even when hurt and grief are cracked open just below the surface. Understanding how to provide spiritual care in …
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Becoming a Safer Church

Anglican Church of Canada (Primate, National Indigenous Archbishop, National Office, General Synod and CoGS)

“The witness of Scripture recognizes and affirms God’s love for all members of the human family and the priority given in Jesus’ ministry to children and the vulnerable of society.” — Excerpt from the Charter for the Safety of People within the Churches of the Anglican Communion, adopted by General Synod in 2019 Safeguarding the …
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