Free to be me

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

What is preventing you from accepting yourself just as you are? Many of us spend so much time trying to be someone else rather than being ourselves. Rather than comparing our lives and experiences to others -we should embrace and enjoy the things that make us who we are! The most important relationship that you …
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Weekly Gatherings of the EHoP

Episcopal House of Prayer (The)

All are welcome to drop in for these weekly contemplative gatherings. The Episcopal House of Prayer offers three opportunities each week to gather together in contemplative prayer: one in the Twin Cities, one in Collegeville MN, and one online. We also offer a weekly opportunity to practice Chi Kung in person in Collegeville, MN. All …
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renew: Living Call Stories: Dynamics of the Pastoral Vocation

Canadian Mennonite University

“Am I called to be a pastor?” “What is your call story?” Questions like these imply that, to become a pastor, a person first needs a clear calling from God. Churches have varying expectations for how this call takes place—through a deep inwardly felt desire, after volunteer ministry and/or seminary training, by invitations from church …
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Jesus in Context

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Jesus in Context examines Jesus as a human being: as a Jewish reformer, prophet, teacher, storyteller, and as designated by others: Savior, Word (Logos), and Wisdom (Sophia), since these are first-century views. We will also include “Son/Child of Humanity/(M)an,” Son of David, and Son of God which also belong to the first century C.E. and …
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Theology II

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This course is the second part of the foundational course in Christian theology. This second half of the course is focused on Anglican ecclesiology in particular. Starting from the consideration of the nature of Church, we explore what it means to know the Triune God in the mission and through our ministry the sacraments, and …
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Liturgical Theology

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

When asked about a shared theology, Episcopalians often reply, “Look in our Book of Common Prayer. Or, better yet, come pray with us!”  At the root of this response is liturgical theology, the understanding that the liturgy is a source of our theology.  In this course, we will explore the question, “What is liturgical theology?” …
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Anglican Ethics

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This course explores the nature of the Christian moral life in relation to specific topics, such as care for the environment, wealth and poverty, bioethics, etc. We will apply the major theories of classical and contemporary philosophical ethics and their different understandings of moral psychology and action to these questions and pay special attention to …
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Church History I

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Over the course of ten academic weeks, students will encounter ten “crossroad” moments in Christian history, each reflecting epic and representative developments in the evolution of faith communities.  

Introduction to the New Testament

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Designed to lead you to read the New Testament itself, New Testament Survey provides essential historical and cultural background information and carefully examines the content of each book in the New Testament.  

Creating Worship that Works

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This course will explore principles and best practices for designing worship that works. The full breadth of the Book of Common Prayer, Enriching Our Worship, The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, and other liturgical and musical supplements will be discussed. The topics covered include the liturgical year, the …
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