Can you honestly say you are meeting all the needs of your congregation? Is that even possible? The truth is that it doesn’t matter how motivated, dedicated, or organized you are, it’s still impossible to do everything yourself. And it’s critical to have others you can depend on. You need a team of motivated laypersons …
View course details “The Art of Coaching Teams”
What is the future of small congregations (the fastest growing segment of North American Christianity)? Join us for two days of lectures, workshops, worship, and conversations that will inspire your leadership; and receive practical, usable wisdom for giving your congregation a future. This year’s keynoter Will Willimon has been listening to pastors and congregations in hundreds of American churches and has a …
View course details “Conference: Looking Forward: Church, Hope, and the Future of Congregations”
How do we begin creating an embodied, resonant performance of a text – one that invites a heartfelt connection between storyteller and listener? Through an intimate, sensory exploration of a story’s words and themes, its characters and their relationships, the storyteller draws the story closer to the personal, forming a profound bond between story and …
View course details “Speaking from the heart: Training from Rae Ellen Bodie, performance coach”
Every year Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP), an institute of Canadian Mennonite University, invites the peacebuilders of the world to gather in Winnipeg, Canada, for a selection of courses in June. Come take a course or two for professional and personal development or for academic credit. In 2023 we will be offering most courses in-person, …
View course details “Canadian School of Peacebuilding 2023”
There are more than 100 million refugees in the world today and the number is growing daily. It has never been more urgent for Christians to respond to this global crisis. This course offers an overview of the politics and ethics of refugees from a Christian theological point of view. Starting with a detailed survey …
View course details “Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees in Christian Perspective”
How do churches discern and incarnate God’s calling in their communities? Grounded in a theological framework for vocation, insights from contemporary scholar-practitioners, qualitative tools and strategies, and relevant case studies that include the work of Regent Exchange, this course offers a fresh approach to vocation with practical implications for the church as a learning community. …
View course details “Calling, Context, and the Church: From Belonging to Witness”
Gain an overview of the basic themes of Christian theology with reference to theological thinkers both from history and in our present day. With a focus on the connection between theology and a number of important areas of faith, we will explore eleven core theological themes: God; creation; the identity of Christ; the work of …
View course details “Christian Theology: An Introduction by Alister McGrath”
Getting Angry is only the tip of the Iceberg. Anger is a secondary emotion. Understanding the cause of anger is the first step to managing it. This Workshop will identify the causes of anger and explore our own beliefs and patterns of response. Learn how to respond to anger on a day-to-day basis in a …
View course details “The Anger Iceberg”
Spending time in the past or in the future is something we all struggle with. When we do this too often, we rob ourselves of living in the here and now. This weekend is an opportunity to disconnect from the outside world and to slow down. Being present means not only appreciating the moment you …
View course details “Stop and Smell the Roses – Treasure Today Retreat”
Five days focused on faith, heart, mind, and skills for the art of intercultural ministry Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry (DUIM) is a 5-day interactive and engaging program with practical ideas for implementation in your own context. DUIM is for ministry leaders and community members nurturing cultural relevance, understanding, and awareness in their …
View course details “Alberta Engage Difference”