Spiritual Friendship

Regent College

The Bible uses a number of images to represent friendship, including the beautiful picture of the knitting together of souls (1 Sam 18:1). This splendid image captures the essence of spiritual friendship: intimacy, loyalty, intentional connection, and a relationship undertaken in the presence of Christ. Spiritual friendship is an ancient practice. While theological reflection on …
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갈라디아서 Paul’s Letter to the Galatians

Regent College

An exegetical study of Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia, with particular attention to its literary structure, its theological themes, and its continuing significance for the Christian church. The historical and literary/rhetorical contexts will be explored with special attention to the problems of the Jewish laws applied to the Gentile Christians. 이 수업에서 우리는 …
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Old Testament Foundations

Regent College

This course aims to present an overview of the background and contents of the books that make up the Old Testament, and to offer some reflection on the question of how they are best read together as part of the Christian canon of Scripture, and how they should shape both the Christian life and the …
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Silent No More: Women Interpreters of the Bible

Regent College

Through the centuries, women—nuns, mothers, mystics, preachers, teachers, suffragists, and household managers—interpreted Scripture through their writings, art, and music. Their forgotten or neglected interpretations of the Bible deserve our attention. Examine how women have read and interpreted the Bible, beginning with the period of the early church. Encounter the writings of medieval visionaries, Renaissance exegetes, …
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The Gospel of Mark

Regent College

Mark, believed to be the earliest of the gospels, is known primarily for its brevity and simplicity–a reputation that has occasionally led to scholarly neglect. Recent scholarship, however, has come to appreciate that Mark’s deceptively straightforward approach veils a work of power and rich subtlety. Scholarly rehabilitation of Jesus’s long-ignored Jewishness and careful exploration of …
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Bullies and Saints: Lessons from Church History

Regent College

This course offers a sweeping survey of Christian history, with special attention to the first thousand years. It explores the many and varied ways Christians both embodied and betrayed the way of Jesus Christ. While heavily informed by the relevant primary sources and historical best-practice, the unit seeks to draw out tentative lessons for contemporary …
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Ruth and Esther: God’s Care in Times of Chaos

Regent College

The books of Ruth and Esther reveal God’s hidden work in the face of apparent divine absence. Explore the significance and narrative artistry of these books, uncovering their subtle portrayal of God’s intervention in desperate situations. Examine the complex female protagonists and consider their illumination of the character and presence of a God who shields, …
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Partaking of the Divine Nature: Salvation, Holiness and the Doctrine of God

Regent College

Christian salvation is a gift, but what is the nature of that gift? The doctrine of theosis suggests that God’s best gift in salvation is, quite simply, God’s self. Theosis––also called “divinization” or “deification”––teaches that God the Father sends the Son and the Spirit so that the saints may partake of the Trinity’s own divine …
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