LETTING GO ~Autumn Day Retreat

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

A day to reflect upon the images, invitations, and wisdom of the season. Autumn’s energy of release and surrender calls us to consider what is no longer serving us well and what we might be invited to let go of. Equally, this season also invites us to notice and gather in with gratitude that which …
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AUTUMN HARVEST: A Weekend of Reflection and Thanksgiving

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

​A weekend of releasing and renewing as we celebrate what we have harvested during yet another challenging year.   Through mini-presentations, group work, meditative activities, prayer and personal reflection, participants will acquire insights and skills for letting go, moving forward and building resilience. All in the tranquil and welcoming environment of Mount Carmel and the …
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A Gratitude Retreat

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

True happiness is an internal job. It’s a conscious choice to focus on the positive and free ourselves from negative thinking. Follow your heart to a weekend at Mount Carmel and take yourself on a life journey to nourish, embrace and celebrate all that you are.  Learn how to strengthen your foundation of happiness, and …
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Orientation to the Old Testament

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

This course provides an orientation to the Old Testament Scriptures for those with limited exposure to and knowledge of its content. Orientation to the whole Old Testament in the space of seven weeks is made  possible by seeing it from many different perspectives.  Sometimes we look at the whole, as scripture and canon–especially at the …
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The New Testament Parables

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

The course explores the parables of Jesus in their historical, cultural, and literary contexts. A close study of specific parables will determine the embedded theological themes, ethical lessons, codifications for social reconstruction, and the significance of the parabolic discourse for the Church and society today. I am thrilled to be the instructor for the course …
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Navigating Conflict: Speaking the Truth in Love

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

Reconciliation is the mission of the Church; and reconciliation is not the absence of conflict but rather the navigation of it. When approached with skill and grounded in Christ’s love, conflict is a healthy process through which we fully encounter our neighbor, we learn about ourselves, and ultimately leads to unity amidst difference. In this …
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Facing Choices: Ethics in the Anglican Tradition

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

Ethics in the Anglican tradition draws on a rich history of discourse as we strive to engage with our faith, living it out in an imperfect world and Church. Whether we are struggling to justify sacramental liturgy and church hierarchy in the face of Puritan attack, or determining church policy on inclusion of women and LGBTQIA+ people, Anglicans …
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Systematic Theology

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

Systematic theology seeks to tell a single story about God and God’s activity in the world from Creation to the Eschaton. There are points within that story that we will focus on, particularly as it comes to gaining clarity about God’s activity. The person of Jesus Christ as the central and seminal activity of the …
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