Common Roots : Ancient Evangelical Future Conference

Trinity School for Ministry

This conference is a response to the alarm that has been sounded by many Christian scholars over the past few years that the Old Testament has become “a discredited, and therefore disused book.” Today, even Christians that want to affirm the Old Testament often struggle to know what to do with it. But things have …
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Personal Finances for Clergy

Centre for Christian Studies

Glenn Morison is on a short list of people who have worked both as a prison chaplain and as a stock broker. He is an ordained United Church Minister who has worshipped with the Quaker Meeting in Winnipeg for the last 11 years. This two-session online workshop will focus on things he wished he knew about money …
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Power of Forgiveness Retreat

Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

Understanding forgiveness is the first key to being able to forgive. Learn how to identify the stages of forgiveness on the journey to letting go. Explore how to release negative emotions of hurt, anger, blame and hatred so you can live more fully alive. This Retreat will provide a caring and nurturing environment to work …
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Not Yet in the Now: Waiting for the Apocalypse

Regent College

Eschatology is defined as the study of the last things. Traditionally, these “last things” have been defined as death, judgement, heaven, and hell; in truth, though, they include all that we imagine the “end” of our life and of history to be. In the Christian church, our eschatological expectation is our blessed hope: the resurrection …
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Renovaré Institutes

Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation

The Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation is a two-year online and in-person school designed to plunge you into that life. Over the course of two years, students are guided in daily online studies, practice a variety of spiritual disciplines, develop a spiritual community with a small group of co-learners, and experience four week-long learning …
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The Trinity and the Church Fathers

Regent College

In this course we’ll explore the church fathers’ understanding of the Trinity and how and why they thought this model of God represented the biblical teaching of God faithfully and beautifully. Students will learn to read the Bible through patristic eyes and discern with the church fathers the problems presented by the relational complexity in …
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A Narrative Approach to the Gospels and Acts

Regent College

Learn to see the Gospels and Acts in a new light. Engage with the full narrative scope of these books from beginning to end, exploring the ways in which the biblical authors told the stories of Jesus and the early church. Discover their narrative contours through an examination of literary elements such as plotting, characterization, …
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The Sermon on the Mount

Regent College

No portion of Scripture has been more thoroughly studied, preached upon, or written about than the Sermon on the Mount. This famous and influential passage from the Gospel of Matthew has a bearing on many fundamental questions of Christian life: What is the nature of God’s kingdom? What does godliness look like? What ethical considerations …
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The Arts, Empathy, and Spiritual Formation

Regent College

Our malnourished capacity for empathy flows out of an equally malnourished imagination. To truly love and welcome others, we need to strengthen our imagination, learning to see our neighbours as God sees them. To do this, we need stories–stories that illuminate and convict, take us beyond ourselves, and enable us to see the beauty and …
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The Puritan Literary Imagination

Regent College

Immerse yourself in two classics of the Christian imagination: Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667) and Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress (1678). Written just over a decade apart, these texts have profoundly shaped the modern literary and theological imagination–especially our concepts of God, Satan, sin, the fall, human nature, and paradise. Join us as we explore the artistry and …
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