Understanding & Communicating with Gen Z & Gen Alpha: A Masterclass

Virginia Theological Seminary

Learn from industry experts about Gen Z and Gen Alpha and what that means for your youth ministry context today in this masterclass webinar! Do you sometimes scratch your head trying to understand the younger generations? Are there ways we can reach them to tell them about Jesus? If so, how? The good news is …
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Does Your Character Preach?

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

This week-long seminar, directed by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, is designed for preachers, church and campus ministry leaders, professors and others dedicated to work that shapes worship. We will explore questions such as, Why does cultivating Christlike character matter for how we preach? How do virtues such as wisdom and love, humility and gratitude, hope and …
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Worship and Work

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

The modern divide between Sunday worship and Monday work has had a devastating impact on the church. Many Christians today report that worship in the sanctuary feels completely disconnected from their work in the world. It’s almost as if they live in two separate worlds. Living their lives in pieces, the pieces–not surprisingly–begin to die. …
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2023 African American Religious Autobiography Seminar

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

In this week-long seminar, we will form a multi-cultural group of pastors, teachers, professors, and non-profit organization leaders to learn from the poignant and prophetic autobiographical writings of Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Howard Thurman, and Ida B. Wells. We will pay particular attention to the implications of their writings for vital and faithful pastoral, priestly, and prophetic leadership …
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Putting a Human Face on Migration

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

This week-long seminar, directed by Janice McLean-Farrell and Leopoldo Sanchez, explores common assumptions in the media and wider public sphere about migrants and offers an introduction to the main theological approaches, as well as the complexity and nuances that accompany immigration in the U.S . It assists participants in developing a framework for thinking about ministry …
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Leading Healthy and Effective Churches

Acadia Divinity College

This study of principles and practice for effective leadership will focus on ways to lead congregations in rural, small-town, and urban settings. Students will learn about a variety of local church models and congregational dynamics. Effective local church pastors and leaders will provide input and answer questions about their ministries. Students will be taught how …
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Professional and Personal Ethics

Acadia Divinity College

In this course professional ethics in chaplaincy and counselling ministry settings will be considered. In this regard, issues such as codes of conduct, personal rights and freedoms, pertinent legal issues, knowing one’s professional limits, how and when to make a referral, maintaining confidentiality, and standards for ongoing professional and personal development will be addressed. Attention …
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The Open Generation: Gen Z, Jesus & Justice

New Leaf Network

New Leaf Network has always loved sharing and learning from Canadian-specific data about religion, flourishing congregations, and the Christian faith. We know how important it is to understand Canadians and their perspectives. We’re so excited to be sharing with you a first-of-its-kind international research study conducted by Barna to help church leaders understand teenagers around the …
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Theology and Ethics: Liberation Perspectives and Praxis

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

In this course, students will be introduced to theological-ethical perspectives from liberation traditions with attention to various cultural, social, ethnic, and political contexts that have emerged from historically marginalized communities, with a focus on the United States and Latin America. This course places scholars from various liberation traditions (Latin American/Latinx, Black/Womanist, Indigenous, Asian American, Feminist, …
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New Testament Greek for Ministry

Center for Anglican Learning & Leadership (CALL)

Have you ever wanted to understand the original meaning of a New Testament text without having to take an academic course in Greek? Adding a little Greek to your sermons and adult education classes in a user-friendly way (for both you and your audience) can spice up your preaching and teaching. This course will introduce …
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