Current Issues in Science & Theology

Regent College

This course will address a collection of important topics at the intersection of Christian theology and science, focusing particularly on the biological sciences. No specialized background in either science or theology is required for participation, though some background in the sciences will be helpful. On Day 1 of the course, we’ll map out the various …
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The Glory of the Ascension & High Priesthood of Christ

Regent College

This course will seek to raise the enthusiasm of preachers, academic theologians, and the whole people of God about the much-neglected event of the ascension of Jesus, and about his offices as Prophet, Priest, and King. Through renewed focus on these essential but oft-eclipsed elements of the New Testament witness, we will refresh our understanding …
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John: The Book that Turned the World Upside Down

Regent College

Few books in all of human history have been as influential as John’s biography of Jesus. In this course, we’ll look at how John’s recounting of Jesus’s life within the context of Israel’s history reworks key Greek ideas to bring about the transformation of antiquity and the beginnings of the modern world. We’ll also savour …
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Elijah in the Book of Kings

Regent College

This course will lead students in a close examination of the Elijah narratives (1 Kings 17–2 Kings 2) and their rhetorical contribution to the books of 1 and 2 Kings. Class sessions will consist of lectures, close-reading exercises, and round-table discussions in conversation with the required reading. The last day of the course—and the course …
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Old Testament Foundations

Regent College

This course orients students to the theology, literature, and key issues in the Old Testament. It reflects on questions of how Old Testament books are best read together as part of the Christian canon of Scripture, and their ability to shape Christian life and engagement with culture. After addressing key interpretive issues, the course explores …
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Vocation, Work & Career

Regent College

This course offers a consideration of the theological, ethical, spiritual, and practical dimensions of vocation and the meaning of work in both the church and the world. Special attention will be given to Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ignatius of Loyola, and Teresa of Avila—key voices from the sixteenth century who can inform how we think …
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Navigating the Health Care System to Long Term Care and Beyond

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Featuring expert speakers, a lived experience advocate, and physicians specializing in elderly care, this symposium will cover essential topics, including transitioning from hospital to long-term care (LTC), the roles of care managers and social workers, patient rights, advocacy, and the cost of care. Attendees will also gain insights into the critical role of caregivers at …
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Skills for Coaching Leaders: Conflict Coaching Advanced

Credence and Co.

Leadership Coaching is an excellent way to help leaders to be at their best, to manage tough conversations, to think strategically and perhaps most importantly, to enhance their personal emotional intelligence. This workshop is designed for leadership coaches – those who come alongside leaders to encourage and support their growth. Attention will be given to …
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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Nurturing a Community of Belonging

Credence and Co.

Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and structures that privilege some over others …
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Holy Silence: The Quaker Way – 2025

Spirituality & Practice

“The less form in religion the better, since God is a Spirit; . . . the more silent, the more suitable to the language of a Spirit.” So said seventeenth century Quaker William Penn, urging Christians to embrace silence as a spiritual practice. “Holy Silence: The Quaker Way” extends Penn’s invitation to today’s readers. Quaker …
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