Anglican Studies
January 19, 2024 - February 10, 2024
College of Emmanuel & St. Chad (The)
Taught by Archbishop Lynne McNaughton and Rev. Dr. Iain Luke.
Taught by Archbishop Lynne McNaughton and Rev. Dr. Iain Luke.
Over the centuries since it was written the Book of Revelation has suffered much at the hands of many experts. And yet the work remains an enigma to most modern readers, usually marginalised in our discussion of theology, the Gospel, or of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This course reclaims the …
View course details “Revelation”
This course covers the history of heresy with a particular focus on the emergence of orthodoxy and heresy in the early church. The primary contents of the course include the origins of heresy and orthodoxy in Judaism and the Greco-Roman world, Paul and his opponents, unity and diversity in the early church, the emergence of …
View course details “The History of Heresy”
What features define human life? How do individuals and communities understand and withstand suffering and pain? What is good dying? In our time, these essential human questions are often viewed primarily as bioethics issues. In reality, these are not exclusively medical or bioethical enquiries. Rather, they are questions that all human individuals and societies ultimately …
View course details “Healthcare and the Christian Life”
This course explores five traditions and practices of prayer from the history of the church: the short, frequent prayers of the Desert Fathers; the liturgical collect of the Gregorian Sacramentary and the Book of Common Prayer; the examen of conscience among the Jesuits and the Puritans; the use of imagination in disciplined meditation (composition of …
View course details “Five Traditions & Practices of Prayer”
This course will explore principles and best practices for designing worship that works. The full breadth of the Book of Common Prayer, Enriching Our Worship, The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, and other liturgical and musical supplements will be discussed. The topics covered include the liturgical year, the …
View course details “Creating Worship that Works”
When asked about a shared theology, Episcopalians often reply, “Look in our Book of Common Prayer. Or, better yet, come pray with us!” At the root of this response is liturgical theology, the understanding that the liturgy is a source of our theology. In this course, we will explore the question, “What is liturgical theology?” …
View course details “Liturgical Theology”
Over the course of ten academic weeks, students will encounter ten “crossroad” moments in Christian history, each reflecting epic and representative developments in the evolution of faith communities.
This course is the second part of the foundational course in Christian theology. This second half of the course is focused on Anglican ecclesiology in particular. Starting from the consideration of the nature of Church, we explore what it means to know the Triune God in the mission and through our ministry the sacraments, and …
View course details “Theology II”
Jesus intentionally connected with all sorts of outsiders as part of his mission. How can we, as followers of Jesus, have the confidence to do the same in 2023? This course, designed specifically for lay leaders and deacons, will provide participants with the inspiration, tools, and practice necessary to confidently engage with people in your …
View course details “Intentional Connection Empowering Leaders to Embrace God’s Mission in Local Contexts”