When bad things happen, what is our reaction? Do we trust God even when we don’t understand? When difficult things happen, we begin to doubt God’s concern for us or His control over our lives. But when times are hard, when the world feels like it’s caving in on us — it’s even more important …
Throughout the Old and New Testaments, people have turned to God for hope when they were anxious or disquieted (Psalm 42:11). Today, we live in disquieting times. As pastors, church leaders, and congregations, we may feel a vague sense of guilt over our inability to right wrongs of the past. We may also be disquieted …
View course details “Leading with Hope in Anxious Times: Renew, Resourcing Pastors and Church Leaders for Ministry”
with Ken Thomas We welcome guest learners to join our students in this circle. Contact [email protected] with questions and to register.
This ecumenical conference… gathers worshipers from across Canada, the US, and beyond brings together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more encourages leaders in churches and …
View course details “2024 Calvin Symposium on Worship”
Performance and Teaching The NBSI Academy for Biblical Storytelling (ABS) provides you with support and training in both the performance and teaching of biblical stories. ABS encourages you to find your individual style as well as appreciate the stories in the form they’ve been “traditioned” to us. The ultimate goal is to send you out …
View course details “Academy for Biblical Storytelling”
Since 1969, Loyola House has been promoting the personally-directed Ignatian retreat. All of our programs are rooted in the methods of Ignatius and the dynamics of his Exercises. While there are alternative ways of experiencing the Spiritual Exercises, Loyola House is famous for offering them in a 40-day format. This fits well with Ignatius’ suggestions …
View course details “The Full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Experience”
We hear about leadership all the time – in the contexts of our workplaces, governments, schools, and communities… but what is leadership really? This course is intended to support young professionals in the early stages of their careers (less than 5 years) in the workforce as they explore what leadership means to them in the …
View course details “Leadership for Young Professionals-ONLINE”
This 6-week online certificate introduces you to fundamental Asset-Based and Community-Led Development (ABCD) theories and principles. You will learn tools to support communities to organize themselves to discover, connect and mobilize their strengths for change. In addition, you will be able to reflect on the outside institutions’ role in supporting community development projects to avoid …
View course details “Asset-Based and Community-Led Development Principles”
This 7-week online certificate is an introduction to peace and conflict while examining the nature, effectiveness, and challenges of grassroots peacebuilding. Grassroots Peacebuilding focuses on the theory, models, and frameworks relevant to peacebuilding and conflict resolution which may be applied in post-conflict situations, humanitarian emergencies, and long- term peacebuilding and reconciliation initiatives. The course uses …
View course details “Grassroots Peacebuilding-ONLINE”