This survey course will introduce students to historical developments, key figures, and institutions, within the Christian church from a global perspective. Topics such as religious movements, missionary expansion and empire, the development of spiritual practices, saints and mystics, local religious life, etc. will be examined within their historical context. Throughout the course we will reflect …
View course details “Church History: Wisdom for Mission”
The Pentateuch is a survey course in which students examine the first five books of the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Students will attend to the patriarchs and matriarchs, the earliest covenants, the exodus traditions, laws, codes, and rituals of the agrarian society represented in the biblical world of the Pentateuch. Students will explore a) …
View course details “The Pentateuch”
Many people are familiar with the concept of an overarching narrative (storyline) when looking at the history of our faith: from the Old Testament, through to the New and on into the history of the church, we can see God at work. However, when people think of, say, the Old Testament, disconnected images come to …
View course details “Christian Foundations I From Abraham to Jesus”
How do we connect God’s mission, and therefore the mission of the church, with the culture in which we live and speak in ways that help people make sense of their lives and their purpose through the lens of the Gospel? How can our words as preachers help others follow Jesus’ Way of Love more …
View course details “Missional Preaching”
Building on the skills and understanding of Leadership Foundations: Self As Leader, Leading In Context will provide method and opportunity to explore potential studio practicum sites that combine leadership challenges, ministry opportunities and demonstrate best practices in pastoral and public ministry. To be effective in ministry practice and leadership in the public sphere it is …
View course details “Leadership in Context (with TFE1)”
This course leads students through a close reading of the Book of Revelation to uncover its meaning in its socio-historical context and to explore its various interpretations both in critical scholarship and in popular culture. It introduces students to Revelation as an example of an ancient genre of literature and considers its enduring relevance to …
View course details “The Book of Revelation”
This course explores the connections between spiritual disciplines, gathered worship, and lived discipleship. Students will survey biblical, historical, theological, and cultural foundations of Christian worship to help design prayers and devotional liturgies that contribute to spiritual formation and nurture the faith of Christians. There will be a special focus on how a robust spirituality of …
View course details “Spirituality of Christian Worship”
This course is Part Two of a year-long sequence in interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. In the Fall semester we read the Pentateuch, the Historical Books, and Psalms. In the Spring semester we focus on Prophets and the remaining books of the Writings. Class periods will be divided into three sections: lecture, discussion and skills …
View course details “Hebrew Bible II”
This course is designed for students approaching ministry in pastoral and public contexts. Located in the field of Mission Studies, this course will attend specifically to contemporary issues in evangelism, by analyzing and studying the history, practice, and effectiveness of how Christians share the gospel in the world, with a particular emphasis upon the Canadian …
View course details “Practicing Evangelism in a Post-Christendom World”
“To be sure, we need history. But we need it in a manner different from the way in which the spoilt idler in the garden of knowledge uses it, no matter how elegantly he may look down on our coarse and graceless needs and distresses. That is, we need it for life and for action….” …
View course details “Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity”