Introduction to the Old Testament
January 8, 2024 - April 5, 2024
Thorneloe University
3 Credits, instructor: Dr. Justin Comber
3 Credits, instructor: Dr. Justin Comber
Learn to notice and embrace unexpected, holy moments that happen each day. God, what love-mischief can ‘We’ do for the world Today? — Hafiz. Through audio teaching, poetry, art, music, guided meditation, reflection questions and invitations into silence, Ann Kulp invites you into intentional quiet space to help you learn to notice and embrace unexpected, holy …
View course details “HOLY INTERRUPTIONS Online Retreat Day”
The season of Advent invites us to pause before the excitement and celebration of Christmas. Embrace a gentle day of rest in historic Dove House where you will have the time and space to read, knit, nap or walk the trails. Each person will be given their own bedroom and access to the common areas …
View course details “Advent Quiet Days in Dove House”
This course examines the complex phenomenon of the cross in Christian theological language, particularly around issues of salvation, justice, and discipleship. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will construct a theological proposal that answers: Is the Cross Redeemable? That is, does one need the cross for a succinct and sufficient theological language? Is …
View course details “Theology of the Cross”
This course will cover the history of Christian Spirituality in the British Isles prior to the Protestant Reformation, including Celtic spirituality, Romano-British Christianity, Anglo-Saxon spirituality, and medieval English mysticism. Students will practice and reflect upon the spiritual disciplines described and prescribed in primary texts (The Cloud of Unknowing, Walter Hilton’s Scale of Perfection, Julian of …
View course details “Celtic Spirituality and Engish Mysticism”
This course focuses on practical and theological foundations for engaging authentically and meaningfully with communities where life experiences, identities, and/or demographic characteristics reveal a social divide that can preclude others (and ourselves) from recognizing their full humanity. Readings and other course content integrate literature from social science, practical theology, and personal narratives of experience. The …
View course details “Pastoral Care with Marginalized Communities”
This course explores the question “Where is God in Climate Change?” from a biblical perspective. In virtually every form of media Climate Change is seen as an ever-present explanation for many natural disasters and crises, as well as an illustration of human failure, the result of our abuse of the earth’s environment. At the same …
View course details “God and Climate Change: A Biblical Perspective”
This course will examine the liturgical principles underlying the planning process for Episcopal Church worship, with specific emphasis on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. This course will offer students a foundation for planning and leading worship services in the Episcopal Church. We will look at issues which influence the planning of any given service, …
View course details “Liturgical Leadership”
The course introduces the New Testament (NT) from a historical, literary, and theological perspective. It focuses on the Canonical Gospels’ distinct nature: the authorship, the key themes, issues the authors addressed, the theological teachings, and their relevance for ministry today. Instructor: My name is Laurent Okitakatshi, the instructor for the course on parables. I am …
View course details “New Testament Introduction”
Diaconal ministry has at its heart connecting Christian scripture and tradition with the needs, hopes and concerns of the world. Using a framework of five key images, students will strengthen awareness of the sacred in the Church and the wider community, invigorate their practice of diakonia, and gain confidence in engaging others to do the …
View course details “Images of Diakonia”