Led by: Beth Woelk A day to reflect upon the images, invitations, and wisdom of Winter. This season beckons us to notice how our bodies, minds, and spirits crave rest. Many of us long for rest and not just the kind of rest that’s about napping or doing fun things, but also a …
View course details “REST ~ Winter Day Retreat”
The most important journey we will ever embark on in life is our spiritual journey. But sometimes we spend more time planning a trip than we do planning our faith journey. Many of us do not understand what spiritual growth is and why it is crucial to our wellbeing. Spend the day discerning where you …
View course details “The Journey of Faith: A Trip For A Lifetime!”
The storms of life are constant. We all face adversity in our lives. How we react to it will determine our joy and happiness Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you ignore life’s stressors. Positive thinking means that you approach difficulties in a more optimistic and productive way. Thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk can be …
This course is designed to enable the student to construct a sermon/homily rooted in the exegesis of assigned biblical passages. In addition, students will gain experience explaining and applying biblical passages and delivering a biblical sermon/homily. A year of a scriptural studies that include an exposition of exegetical methods is a pre-requisite for this course. …
View course details “Homiletics 1”
This course explores the nature of the Christian moral life in relation to specific topics, such as care for the environment, wealth and poverty, bioethics, etc. We will apply the major theories of classical and contemporary philosophical ethics and their different understandings of moral psychology and action to these questions and pay special attention to …
View course details “Anglican Ethics”
Integrative Approaches to Christian Spiritual and Mental Health Formation Is migration a form of trauma? How does the migration experience of the first generation continue to affect the second and third generation family members? How do these formative social conditions challenge our Christian practices of spiritual formation, discipleship, and leadership for the Asian American faith …
View course details “Intergenerational Wholeness for Asian Americans”
Save the date for African Descent Ministries’ (ADM) 2024 International Black Clergy Conference. This important upcoming conference and educational event will convene at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor Camden Yards, Baltimore, Md., April 8-11, 2024. The International Black Clergy Conference is a triennial event. In addition to bishops, priests, and deacons from The Episcopal Church, …
View course details “2024 International Black Clergy Conference”
For Those Who Want to Learn or Deepen the Practice of Group Spiritual Direction Whether you are new to Group Spiritual Direction, wish to explore it further, or are seeking support and guidance for forming a group, please consider joining us for this virtual workshop on Zoom. Participants will experience Group Spiritual Direction (GSD) each …
View course details “Group Spiritual Direction Level 1 Workshop”
Internationally bestselling author and two-time Giller Prize finalist Gail Anderson-Dargatz hosts this week-long fall writing retreat at the Sorrento Center. It’s a perfect writing getaway for both Shuswap-Thompson-Okanagan writers and those who are visiting the beautiful landscape found in so much of Gail’s writing. Writers will enjoy five morning master classes with Gail, each on …
View course details “Fall Writing Retreat With Gail Anderson-Dargatz”