The Letter to the Romans

Regent College

A survey of the teaching of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans. We will focus on the argument of the letter and on key theological and practical issues that are significant in that argument. Class discussion will encourage students to come to their own decisions about the meaning of the text and …
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The Bible, Slavery, & the American Civil War

Regent College

This class surveys the history of the Bible in the United States from the War for Independence through the Civil War. It is a case study designed to sharpen awareness of how intellectual assumptions, cultural conventions, engrained interests, and spiritual motives shaped the understanding and application of Scripture. Special emphases are how Scripture was enlisted …
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Old Testament Foundations

Regent College

This course orients students to the theology, literature, and key issues in the Old Testament. It reflects on questions of how Old Testament books are best read together as part of the Christian canon of Scripture, and their ability to shape Christian life and engagement with culture. After addressing key interpretive issues, the course explores …
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Contemplative Listening

Regent College

Scripture resounds with God’s call to hear—Shema—and the discipline and gift of listening is foundational to the Christian life of loving God and neighbour. Listening creates a sanctuary within which we may receive God’s Word and welcome the neighbour. By listening we are shaped as Christ’s disciples. Yet how do we orient toward God’s voice …
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Spiritual Discernment: Decision-Making & the Voice of Jesus

Regent College

This course is an introduction to the art of spiritual discernment, which will enable students to recognize and respond to the prompting or inner witness of the Spirit. The course will provide a model for effective decision-making that will incorporate the wisdom of the Christian heritage. The primary focus will be upon seeking the wisdom …
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Theology Overview

Regent College

In the postmodern age that is marked by a suspicion of truth, it is all the more important for Christians to be rooted in the essential teachings of the Christian faith. Designed for those who wish to deepen their faith and understanding, this course provides a systematic survey of the Christian doctrine as set forth …
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Perspectives on Biblical Languages

Regent College

This course offers an overview of Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, with an emphasis on why knowledge of the original languages has been vital throughout Christian history and why this knowledge plays a significant role today. Assuming no prior study of either language, you will learn some of the basic features of Greek …
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Voices in the Wilderness

Huron University College

This, one of a kind course, will feature content experts on Black History, Theology and Culture within the Canadian Church. It will open up conversations that are at the heart of issues of diversity, inclusion and future ministry in Canada. Due to the importance of this course’s content, we have decided to open up FREE …
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Praying with Icons A Quiet Day for Lent

Sisterhood of St. John the Divine (The) (SSJD)

Led by Sr. Wendy Grace, SSJD Information poster and registration will be available soon on the website. We hope to see you at this in-person retreat at the convent.