Re-Imagining Ministry with Children and Youth

Vancouver School Of Theology

This course will explore spirituality, theology, and practices for faith formation with children and youth. By digging deep into the purposes, goals, and presuppositions we carry with us into our experiences of children’s and youth ministry, students will learn about and generate best practices for walking alongside young people on the adventure of discipleship. In …
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Paul & His Letters

Regent College

This course is an introduction to the thirteen powerful letters attributed to Paul in the New Testament. Together we will investigate Paul’s inspiring life of faith, and the life-transforming teaching contained in his letters. We will pay special attention to the issues raised when we seek to apply Paul’s insights to our lives today. Credit …
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Academic Writing

Regent College

This course is designed to help students engage in graduate research and to write the papers that will be required during their course of study at Regent. Students will receive instruction in reading and thinking critically and in improving their writing skills. The course is especially appropriate for those who have a technical (rather than …
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What’s a Christian to do? Ethical Responses to Contemporary Issues in Science and Technology

Anglican Diocese of Qu'Appelle

As science and technology grow more robust and complicated, it is increasingly difficult to wade through the “what ifs” and “what thens.” This five-part course will examine the place of specific technologies in society, their role in enhancing and restricting human beings, attempts to own and control technology, and social and environmental risks and opportunities …
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Festival of Biblical Storytelling, 2025

Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada

The Wonder of the word. Spirit’s Play in Biblical Telling. We are five years into the festival adventure for the Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada and we can’t wait any longer to share our joy as we introduce 2025’s Keynote Speaker: Storyteller and Singer/Songwriter, Canada’s own, Linnea Good. We are thrilled that she agreed to …
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Understanding Conflict – Advanced

Credence and Co.

This workshop, uses the two lenses of conflict drivers and conflict paradoxes, and considers seemingly intractable conflicts and their transformation.  Questions for consideration include the nature of intractability, de-escalation strategies, transforming intractable conflicts and engaging emotions. This workshop builds on Understanding Conflict: Foundations. It is highly interactive, insightful, engaging and critical for all those who wish to …
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Trauma-Informed Care and Ministry

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

What does it look like to care for communities in the wake of mass trauma, such as gun violence, the pandemic, or racism? How can churches rebuild trust with individuals who have experienced trauma as part of their religious experiences? In this track, you will learn from skilled practitioners and Candler School of Theology professors …
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Essentials for Youth Ministry

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

Are you wondering what the best practices are for teaching, mentoring, or ministering to young people today? Learn from Candler School of Theology professors who have been invested in theological education for youth for several decades (Editor: in an American context). Whether you are a youth minister, a volunteer, or a parent, you will learn …
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Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

Do you want to learn how to use conflict as a tool for transforming relationships and social dynamics? Candler School of Theology professors in ethics and conflict transformation guide you through the process of evaluating and engaging conflict in a theological framework. The lessons in this track will equip you with practical skills such as: …
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