The Gospel of Matthew

Regent College

In this course, we will explore the powerful and beautiful biography of Jesus that we know as the Gospel of Matthew. From the earliest days of Christianity, the Gospel of Matthew has stood at the head of the New Testament canon, profoundly shaping the church’s understanding of who God is and what it means for …
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Cultivating Formation-Minded Pastors & Churches

Regent College

Although spiritual formation and spiritual direction programs have taken hold in many academic and parachurch settings, the expectations, structures, and habits of local churches are often resistant to a deep focus on Christian formation. This course will offer a biblical-theological argument that a Christ-minded pastor and church will be a formation-minded pastor and church. To …
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Theology as Dialogue in Early Christianity

Regent College

In this course, we will work through several examples of early Christian dialogues from writers such as Justin Martyr, Origen of Alexandria, Gregory of Nyssa, and Augustine of Hippo, and consider what difference a dialogical reorientation of theological method might make. There are rich resources available to us in early Christianity that can inform our …
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The Letter to the Galatians

Regent College

Paul’s Letter to the Galatians has stood alongside Romans at the heart of Christian theological discussions from the time of Augustine, through the Reformation, and to the present day. It is perhaps the earliest written formulation of Paul’s teachings about justification attained by trusting Jesus, the opposition between faith and “works of the law,” the …
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Climate Theology & Storytelling

Regent College

This course explores theologies of creation, sometimes called “ecotheology,” via the now sizable body of literature concerned with the growing crises of human-induced climate destruction. As we ask how early twenty-first-century fiction can give us new eyes for both humanity and other creatures, we’ll sample the emotional and spiritual issues raised by these enormous, seemingly …
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Marriage, Sex, & Family in Historical Perspective

Regent College

This course will trace major historical shifts in cultural understandings of gender, sexuality, marriage, and the family from the time of the early church to the present day. Together, we will explore how Christian belief and practice have shaped these categories over time, and how Christians have engaged with culture over these issues at different …
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Genesis: The Foundations of the Biblical Story

Regent College

Genesis presents God’s purpose for humans to rule over his creation in a way that reflects his character—then describes how humans chose to rule by their own wisdom, filling the world with violence. But Genesis also reveals that God’s purposes cannot be thwarted, showing how God chose to work through the dysfunctional family of Abraham …
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Theology Overview

Regent College

In a postmodern age marked by a suspicion of truth, it is all the more important for Christians to be rooted in the essential teachings of the Christian faith. Designed for those who wish to deepen their faith and understanding, this course provides a systematic survey of the Christian doctrine as set forth in the …
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