Christian Theology 1 – Online

Designation: THEO 3013 An introduction to Christian doctrine and theological inquiry. This first course in theology will begin with a discussion of theological method followed by a survey of the Christian doctrines of God, revelation, creation, and humanity. These doctrines will be studied by focusing on their relevance to contemporary issues faced by church and …
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Holy Spirit – Online

Designation: THEO 7053 Seminar in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit that first plumbs the theological history of discussion of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Key biblical texts will be addressed. This will include early church, medieval, Radical Reformation, and contemporary Pentecostal and Charismatic contributions. Attention will be given to the fruit …
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Bringing Renewal to Established Congregations – Online

Designation: EVAN 3023 This course will consider how to give effective leadership to older, established congregations in order to bring renewal and growth. Beginning with a Biblical understanding of renewal, students will consider the strengths and weaknesses of established churches, why established churches don’t change easily, and how to lead real change in an established …
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Introduction to World Mission – Online

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will introduce the student to the biblical, theological and historical aspects of world mission and explore the scope of mission practice. Attention will be given to an examination of issues related to evangelism, mission, missions, dialogue, the persecuted church, unreached peoples, cross-cultural communication, justice, spiritual warfare, and the place of mission …
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Catechesis in Christian History and Theology (Christian Catechesis 1) – Online

Course Description This is the first course in the Christian Catechesis program. It will introduce both certificate and degree students to the history and theology of classic Christian formation–its biblical and Christ-centered foundation; its doctrinal, spiritual, and moral orientation; and its place within the worshiping and missional life of the church. Students will examine the …
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For such a time as this – Insights and Issues from the Books of Ruth and Esther for Today

WYB6222H Summary: We will read the books of Ruth and Esther together with a cloud of witnesses from the past and present who found them not only life giving but also, especially in the case of Esther, deeply troubling. We will examine techniques and strategies used for reading these and other Old Testament narratives through …
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Systematic Theology

  Systematic theology seeks to tell a single story about God and God’s activity in the world from Creation to the Eschaton. There are points within that story that we will focus on, particularly as it comes to gaining clarity about God’s activity. The person of Jesus Christ as the central and seminal activity of …
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Old Testament Overview

  This course is offered in response to requests to provide an orientation to the Old Testament Scriptures for those with limited exposure to and knowledge of its content. Orientation to the whole Old Testament in the space of seven weeks is possible only by seeing it from many different perspectives—sometimes looking at the whole …
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New Testament: The Parables

  The course explores the parables of Jesus in their historical, cultural, and literary contexts. A study of specific parables will determine the theological themes, codifications for social reform, ethical lessons in them, and their significance for the Church and society today. Register Instructor: Dr. Peter Ajer Peter Claver Ajer was born and brought up …
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