Though preaching is one of the oldest Christian practices and has been a staple of worship for millennia, it is constantly in the process of change. Indeed, like the proverbial river that cannot be stepped into twice because the flow of the water is constantly remaking it, it is not possible to preach the same …
View course details “Rethinking Preaching Conference 2024: Crossing Boundaries Toward Healing”
Acknowleging the traumas of the past and the future with hope. As we approach the culmination of the International Decade for People of African Descent, we invite you to a pivotal conference aimed at reflection, celebration, and forward thinking. This gathering will serve as a beacon of hope, acknowledging the deep-seated traumas of our past …
View course details “2024 International Decade for People of African Descent: Now What?”
Christians everywhere believe that Christ died once for all upon the Cross as an atonement for our sins, even if they disagree on how to understand that great divine-human action. Roman Catholic teaching and practice has, for example, historically emphasized that the “dead yet made alive” Christ is now re-presented, and so re-offered in the …
View course details “2024 Scripture and Theology Colloquium – Atonement and Divine Presence”
The climate crisis is an unavoidable pastoral concern in the church today. As the effects of anthropogenic climate change continue to increase in the coming years, increasingly the pastoral work of the ‘cure of souls’ is directly impacted by the intersecting crises of the climate crisis. This class will proceed in two parts. In the …
View course details “Integral Ecology and Theologies of Solidarity Course Registration”
What is the Church? Is it a building, a community, or something more? This course will examine ecclesiology, the doctrine of the Church. Topics will include: scriptural images of, and language concerning the Church; the historical development of the doctrine of the Church; the nature and mission of the Church; the marks of the Church …
View course details “The Theology of the Church”
As members of modern nation-states shaped by globalization, we are unavoidably embedded in the complexities of racial disparities and tensions. These societal realities shape our personal lives, our relationships, and our everyday activities in countless ways that often go unrecognized and unaddressed. They also affect our capacities to live out the biblical vision of identity …
View course details “Race, Racism & Christian Identity”
Professor: Leslie Virnelson
Summer language will meet daily, Monday through Friday, from June 24-August 16. Greek and Hebrew will be offered in both hybrid and online* formats that will include self-paced, independent work integrated with daily, live small group sessions that are punctuated by weekly enrichment gatherings with the whole class online. These courses are open to students …
View course details “Biblical Hebrew or Greek classes”
Led by: Cathy AJ Hardy with Beth Woelk This Soul Care Retreat will be a weekend of Pause for the soul through prayer meditations, poetry, and music. This retreat will provide spaciousness to receive restoration for the heart. Soul Care Retreats are created for people to come back home to themselves and to God. …
View course details “SOUL CARE Retreat and evening concert”