This course will help leaders learn from the past, be aware of the present and plan for the future. The course will explore ancient truths that have helped guide Christians for the past two thousand years and introduce new concepts from leadership science. Most importantly, all of the learning will be practical and will enhance …
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Reimagining Church
The course is for anyone eager and willing to explore Christian faith in a fresh way that is at the same time ancient and yet relevant to today’s world. Are you frustrated by the decline in church attendance and ministry participation at your parish? Perhaps you’re hearing the buzz around terms like “missional church,” “discipleship,” …
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“Where did all the young people go?”
For decades we’ve been wondering and worrying about our young people leaving our beloved church. For 4 Wednesday mornings this Lent, join Bishop Anna and Christine Conkin to explore the social, spiritual, religious and theological movements of the late 20th century. What happened in the wake of the great optimism of the 1960’s? Why haven’t …
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Changing Church: Missional Practices and/for Beloved Community
What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to better reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course in missional leadership will ask these and related questions. We will explore concepts and experience practices of …
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The Gathering: Bloom Where You’re Planted
The Gathering is an annual event for church leaders and pastors seeking to refresh and build lifelong friendships for resilient pastoral ministry. As a non-conference conference, we focus on encounters over information-exchange. Through worship, prayer, teaching, dialogue, sharing food, and recreation, we will grow our pastoral imagination. Come and refresh with us in the beautiful …
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2024 VITAL CHURCH MARITIMES CONFERENCE is set for May 9 to May 11, in Truro, NS. A Zoom option will also be available. Watch for more information about our keynote speaker and special Early Bird rates. Registration opens in mid-January.
Co-Creating Plausible Futures for the Canadian Church
Balancing the Past, Present and Future As the church navigates the complexities of post-Christendom Canada, we know that people are seeing the trends in Canada that point to hopeful futures. We invite you to join this first symposium in the new series Conversations in the Canadian Church as we explore these hopeful themes. This event …
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ngaging the Community: Empowering Leaders to Embrace God’s Mission in Local Contexts
Jesus intentionally connected with all sorts of outsiders as part of his mission. How can we, as followers of Jesus, have the confidence to do the same in 2023? This course, designed specifically for lay leaders and deacons, will provide participants with the inspiration, tools, and practice necessary to confidently engage with people in your …
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Christian Foundations I From Abraham to Jesus
Many people are familiar with the concept of an overarching narrative (storyline) when looking at the history of our faith: from the Old Testament, through to the New and on into the history of the church, we can see God at work. However, when people think of, say, the Old Testament, disconnected images come to …
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Leadership in Context (with TFE1)
Building on the skills and understanding of Leadership Foundations: Self As Leader, Leading In Context will provide method and opportunity to explore potential studio practicum sites that combine leadership challenges, ministry opportunities and demonstrate best practices in pastoral and public ministry. To be effective in ministry practice and leadership in the public sphere it is …
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