Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Nurturing a Community of Belonging

Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and structures that privilege some over others …
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The Holy Spirit & the Arts

For centuries many have perceived a strong bond between the work of the Spirit and artistic creativity. Talk of inspiration, spirituality, and the life of the spirit abounds when the arts are in view. This course asks why this might be so. What is it about the arts that lends themselves so easily to “spirit-talk”, …
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Christianity & World Cultures: A History of Contextualization

Taking each of the five continents in turn, this course looks at the significant missional achievements of their Christian pioneers (both cross-cultural missionaries and local communities of believers) to embody Christian faith and practice in their cultural contexts. The course focuses on each continent’s unique cultural embodiments (such as texts, liturgies, visual arts, architecture, institutions, …
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The Gospel, Discipleship, & Cultural Engagement

Today’s moral and social challenges are complex, and our social discourse is often contentious. Explore how artifacts (such as hip-hop and architecture) enriches our understanding of God’s grace, culture and human flourishing, and in turn, shapes our responses to these challenges. Learn about the narrative arc of Scripture that encompasses not only our personal salvation …
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ngaging the Community: Empowering Leaders to Embrace God’s Mission in Local Contexts

Jesus intentionally connected with all sorts of outsiders as part of his mission. How can we, as followers of Jesus, have the confidence to do the same in 2023? This course, designed specifically for lay leaders and deacons, will provide participants with the inspiration, tools, and practice necessary to confidently engage with people in your …
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Foundations in Faith & Leadership: A cohort-based online certificate program

Groups develop ministry skills and earn micro-credentials through a 24-week online certificate program that combines group engagement with guidance from trained facilitators. Perfect for ministry teams, church groups, and non-profit team members! Available Tracks: Essentials for Biblical Interpretation Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Essentials for Youth Ministry Trauma Care and Healing Social Justice and Community Engagement …
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Pastoral Care with Marginalized Communities

This course focuses on practical and theological foundations for engaging authentically and meaningfully with communities where life experiences, identities, and/or demographic characteristics reveal a social divide that can preclude others (and ourselves) from recognizing their full humanity.  Readings and other course content integrate literature from social science, practical theology, and personal narratives of experience.  The …
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Asset-Based and Community-Led Development Principles

This 6-week online certificate introduces you to fundamental Asset-Based and Community-Led Development (ABCD) theories and principles. You will learn tools to support communities to organize themselves to discover, connect and mobilize their strengths for change. In addition, you will be able to reflect on the outside institutions’ role in supporting community development projects to avoid …
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