Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria Each year the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society collaborates with colleagues at the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets to offer programming of interest to both scholars and members of the local community. This year our day-long workshop will involve scholars and professionals in a moderated public conversation about …
View course details “Where We Live: Critical Perspectives on Our Natural and Built Environments”
A six-session series, exploring some of the textures and characteristics of the Anglican tradition. If you’ve heard the name, Rev. Jamie Howison, it might have been from Steve Bell talking about Jamie as his priest. Or it might have been our own Bishop Hellen telling stories of her time worshipping and serving with Jamie in …
View course details “Introduction to Anglicanism with Rev. Jamie Howison”
Drawing on resources from academia, the arts and family life Canadian Churches have been doing work over the years to attend to the brokenness in our history of unjust relationships with Indigenous people in Canada. More work is needed, and the work moves at a human pace. Yet, when we get stuck, be it from …
View course details “Unlocking Capacity for Just Relationship”
We live in a fast-paced society with a seemingly endless list of demands. Life naturally brings its share of challenges and stress. The key is to move forward so that stress doesn’t impact other areas of your life. Stress affects us all, but why exactly do we feel it and what causes it? This Workshop …
View course details “GOOD BYE STRESS- HELLO LIFE!”
This course explores the age-old problem of suffering from a unique and often overlooked perspective: mental health. Traditional theological approaches to suffering tend to offer simple answers that are too thin for the complex reality many people face. This course will dive deeper, exploring what a “thick” account of suffering—one that takes into account the …
View course details “Theology, Mental Health & the Problem of Suffering”
Why are dystopian novels, movies, and television series so wildly popular? After sitting in a theater watching a film about nuclear annihilation (cozily nestled between car and beer commercials), we walk into the light of day to face the “real” media-controlled world of diversion and distraction, of ever-regenerated images that never die. Why is our …
View course details “Apocalypse Now, Then, or Never? Why We Love Dystopian Stories”
Christian practices constitute the Christian life. Communal practices facilitate the integration of personal, spiritual, academic, and global formation into coherent Christian discipleship through reflection, relationships, and practices. This integrative course explores the identity and practices of Christian community as a people called, gathered, and sent by God. Together, professor and students will study and enact …
View course details “Spiritual Practices in the Company of Others”
In a world that is more interconnected than ever before, we encounter ever-increasing diversity in the communities in which we live and work. Differences in culture, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, generation, religion, and other aspects of life and identity abound, raising complex questions for all of us. This course will address key questions about life, …
View course details “Learning & Leading in a World of Difference”
The formative period of early Christianity was crucial to the development of Christian faith. It was during this time that the basic parameters of many of key doctrines of the church were worked out—parameters that have exerted a normative influence on Christian life and thought ever since. Many of the issues that were debated in …
View course details “The First Christian Centuries”
In many parts of today’s world, Christians are deeply divided from their neighbours—and from one another—by political allegiances. The stakes seem so high, and biblical teaching about government so clear and urgent, that agreement on politics is often treated as a test of faith. In this course we will take a step or two back …
View course details “Christianity & Politics”