Calvin Theological Seminary, in collaboration with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching, is offering courses designed to support your ministry leadership amidst the ongoing pandemic. These online mini-courses focus on key ministry challenges you face today. With a commitment of about four hours per week for three weeks, each …
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Faith, Race, & Place in the City
As racial conflict features prominently in North American cities, what do communities of belonging and reconciliation look like? Insights from practical theology and social science can inform the challenges and opportunities for churches and Christian communities as they seek to re-imagine discipleship, hospitality, and justice for the flourishing of their neighborhoods and cities. Delve into …
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Reading the Gospels While Black: A conversation with Esau McCaulley & N.T. Wright
We are delighted to partner with Seattle Pacific Seminary and Portland Seminary to present Reading the Gospels While Black, a timely conversation between Dr. Esau McCaulley and Dr. N.T. Wright. The morning will open with a conversation between Dr. McCaulley and Dr. Wright, followed by two teaching sessions and a Q&A session moderated by Tim Mackie of The …
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Jesus: History, Theology, and Evolution, with John Dominic Crossan
Due to intellectual property and copyright limitations, these lectures will only be available live via Zoom. They will not be livestreamed or recorded for later viewing. Theme Theology is the transcendental interpretation of history but how does any such reading intersect with human evolution? We will address this question by focusing on Jesus’ life, his …
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What We Believe: Anglican Theology
It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Theology of the Cross
This course examines the complex phenomenon of the cross in Christian theological language, particularly around issues of salvation, justice, and discipleship. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will construct a theological proposal that answers: Is the Cross Redeemable? That is, does one need the cross for a succinct and sufficient theological language? Is …
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Centre for Anglican Learning and Leadership Spring 2021 Course list
All courses in the session from April 12 to May 31 should be listed here.
The Anglican Bible: Scriptural Conversation and Formation
This course studies the ways the Bible has impacted Anglicanism as well as how the Bible has been interpreted and shaped by Anglicans from the English Reformation to the present day. It presupposes that a dialogue between community and text occurs in all scriptural communities of faith. Both the Bible and the church are powerful …
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Regent College Summer Programs (Starting in May, 2022)
Our exciting Summer 2022 lineup is packed with in-depth courses on Scripture, theology, arts, ministry, justice, history, and society. Check out our full timetable for Summer Programs 2022 below and stay updated by signing up for our monthly newsletter at You can also download our full Summer 2022 Brochure . Summer Programs course registration opens Wednesday, February 16, …
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Online/hybrid DMin at Candler
Candler School of Theology at Emory University offers an online/hybrid Doctor of Ministry degree so you can benefit from the resources of a top-25 university while staying connected to your place of ministry, no matter where you are. Earn your doctorate in 3 years 90% online so you can learn where you lead Two tracks: Biblical …
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