Wake up to the wonder that is all around you. This Spring, notice the loving Presence all around us as we pray for the earth and one another and deepen our awareness of the oneness of life. Using poetry, meditations, reflection questions and invitations into silence, retreat leader Ann Dean creates a special space for …
View course details “Contemplative Earth Awareness Online Retreat Day”
Keynote Speaker Fr. John Behr Confirmed Speakers Michelle Wilband Amy Bird Nathan MacAllister Marilyn Orr Neil Robertson David Curry Benjamin MacDonald We will once again be live-streaming this year’s conference and will share the links prior to the beginning of the conference. (Editor’s Note: I think this means that one would have to register in …
View course details “Atlantic Theological Conference 2024: In Him was Life: The mystery of the incarnation”
Five days focused on faith, heart, mind, and skills for the art of intercultural ministry Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry (DUIM) is a 5-day interactive and engaging program with practical ideas for implementation in your own context. DUIM is for ministry leaders and community members nurturing cultural relevance, understanding, and awareness in their …
View course details “Engage Difference Ontario”
With Catherine M. Kelly, M.Div. and Tanya Loretto “For you were called to freedom…to serve one another through love” (Gal 5:13) Are you seeking spiritual nourishment? Perhaps you are a pastor, a spiritual director, a ministry leader looking for refill your well? Perhaps you are in a period of discernment, seeking the next steps on …
View course details ““Called to Freedom” Ignatian Weekend Retreat”
Today’s moral and social challenges are complex, and our social discourse is often contentious. Explore how artifacts ranging from hip-hop to architecture can enrich our understanding of culture, God’s grace, and human flourishing, and in turn shape our responses to these challenges. Learn about the narrative arc of Scripture that encompasses not only our personal …
View course details “The Gospel, Discipleship & Cultural Engagement”
In a world where there is always a “them,” how do we move toward more “us” in our life? Saskatoon is known as the City of Bridges, even so we can find it difficult to build relational bridges, to reach out and start new conversations or initiatives. Join us to be inspired by how people …
View course details “Bridging Us: a learning party”
Christianity was a demonstrably global faith (with its center of gravity in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East) before it became a predominantly Western religion (c.1500). Now, after roughly five centuries, it has once again reemerged as a hugely non-Western phenomenon. A full historical account reveals a faith that is inherently global because it is …
View course details “Beyond Empire: Rethinking the History of Global Christianity”
Presented by the O’Driscoll Forum on Preaching and the Arts & the Anglican Foundation of Canada: Register Now! How is the proclamation of the Gospel integral to pastoral leadership? In what ways does the challenge of leading a faith-based organization enrich and challenge the ministry of preaching? This class will give students the opportunity to …
View course details “Leading From the Pulpit”
How do we practice spiritual presence in challenging times? And let spirituality lead us to action? When communities are polarized, and peace is unpopular, these are urgent questions. Together, we will explore answers from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each tradition offers powerful tools to critique institutional power, confront the ego, open the heart, and explore …
View course details “Interfaith Spirituality for Polarized Times”
By comparing and contrasting Paul with Leonard Cohen, another “Apostle to the Gentiles,” this course explores radically new perspectives on the lives and writings of both. Themes include: 1/ Paul, Leonard, and Judaism, 2/ asceticism, 3/ mysticism, 4/ Paul, Leonard, and Jesus, 5/ Paul, Leonard and women, 6/ Paul, Leonard, and masculinity, 7/ Paul and …
View course details “Prophets of Love: St. Paul and Leonard Cohen”