Curriculum – Deacon Track Fulfilling all the requirements of the Stevenson School for a certificate does not guarantee your ordination. Your Bishop and your Commission on Ministry will make final determinations. However, our curriculum leading to a certificate is an ideal way to prepare you for this ministry. To apply for this certification track, please …
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Priest Certificate Program
For a comprehensive list of the competencies developed in our Priest Track curriculum, click here. Curriculum – Priest Track One of the special gifts of the Stevenson School is its ability to support you in the path towards priesthood without assuming that you are going to leave full-time employment or relocate to a traditional seminary. …
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Lay Ministry Certificates Program
Interested In Exploring Lay Ministries? All Christians are called to love and serve others. For some that takes the form of ordained ministry as an Episcopal Priest or as an Episcopal Deacon. For others there are a variety of ministries of the people in our dioceses, our parishes, or our communities. However, there are a …
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Pusey House Theological Conference 2022
Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth will consider the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitable transformation which any knowledge of, faith in, or encounter with, the Holy Spirit both invites and enables. We have an inspiring group of speakers to guide and enlighten us on this …
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“Love is the Meaning”: Julian of Norwich Lenten Retreat
Set the tone for Lent during this weekend retreat focusing on the writings of Julian of Norwich, an ascetic from the middle ages who wrote Revelations of Divine Love, the earliest surviving book in English written by a woman. Robert Owens Scott Led by Robert Owens Scott, who has served Trinity Church Wall Street as …
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Program Links
You will find links to all of Yale’s programs on this page.
Upcoming Continuing Education Opportunities at Yale Divinity School
This web page should have Yale’s latest ContEd courses, and be regularly kept up to date.
Toward Greener Faith: An Ecological Vision for Our Time
How might we probe more deeply, at this historical moment, how love and care for the earth can be understood as central to our Christian faith and practice? Overview: Though it is common in church circles to hear earth care and sustainable living extolled in broad terms, as moral virtues honored as well by nonbelievers, we …
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Course Schedule: Acadia Divinity College
This link should list all of the courses currently scheduled at the College. Approximately half of them appear to be available online as of April, 2022.
CALL Courses: Fall 2021
All courses available in the Fall of 2021 should be listed on the indicated web page.