We are excited to announce that we have received funding from the Ministry Investment Fund and the Office of the General Synod to further our mission to enhance the participation and representation of Black Anglicans in Canada. We invite you to the Disrupt, Heal, Lead Conference 2024, a 3-day event from August 14-17, 2024, at …
View course details “Disrupt, Heal, Lead Conference 2024 In-Person”
Are you interested in exploring a more prayerful approach to engaging in God’s mission? Do you have the desire to live out God’s mission in a way that both positively impacts your community and renews your spirit? Join Ian Mobsby, community missioner in the Anglican Diocese of Niagara and author of the upcoming book The …
View course details “The Seeking Heart A Contemplative and Spiritual Approach to Mission and Life”
Facilitator: Sarika Sinha Women leaders across the globe are dealing with dispossession from resources, capabilities, and a form of discursive ‘development’ which is deeply rooted in a capitalist and patriarchal order. In the current milieu – as women leaders face further marginalization, cultural exclusivity, and the Covid-19 pandemic – we offer this online discourse hinged …
View course details “Feminist Leadership for Capabilities, Ecology and Transformation”
Facilitators: Yogesh Ghore and Farouk Jiwa The unprecedented convergence of the forces of globalization, urbanization, changing demographics, and climate change are already fundamentally changing the way we live and work. While the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics have improved productivity and efficiency and increased convenience, they have raised concerns over the number …
View course details “Future of Work and Workers”
Learn new methods and gain the skills needed to empower the people around you. It might not have been included in your job description, and no one may think to acknowledge it during staff meetings, but when there’s a problem, you are probably who people – from your staff to the congregation – look to …
View course details “Segment One Basic Skills Coach Training”
“Shaping an immigrant congregation to be healthy and missional” is what this course is about. This course discusses how to help immigrant churches move out of their ethnic enclaves and become effective agents for the gospel in a pluralistic world. In this course, we will discuss the task of navigating immigrant church members to be …
View course details “Becoming a Missional Immigrant Congregation”
Master Iconographer will guide students through creating one complete icon (to be determined). Any level of experience is accepted. Each step is demonstrated to students, followed by time to copy what has been taught. Students will learn: filling in, rendering clothes and flesh, 23 karat gold leafing, and varnishing. In addition, students will gain familiarity …
View course details “Icon writing Workshops”
A day to slow down and reflect upon the images and invitations of Summer. An opportunity to pause and reconnect with ourselves, like-minded souls, God’s Spirit, and the Earth’s rhythms. The bright days of summer yield a season of ripening, beauty, and abundance. We too are full of growth-potential, strength, vitality, and radiance! During our …
View course details “Radiance ~ Summer Day Retreat”
Respecting and loving yourself does not make you conceited or self-centered. It is about achieving a deep sense of self-worth and self-love. It is about making the right decisions and taking the right steps when it comes to your life. This Workshop will guide you with tools on how to begin this process. We will …
View course details “Loving and Respecting Yourself”
Relax, renew and reenergize in the tranquil and welcoming environment of Mount Carmel. The August theme is: RECOGNIZING, LIBERATING AND HONOURING OUR PERSONAL POWER. Themes will include: where it may have been distorted through people pleasing and lack of boundaries; the importance of our spiritual practices in maintaining our connection with the Source of our …