Kings, Queens, Reformers and Immigrants: In this course we will explore the history of the Reformation that swept England in the 16th Century and of the Episcopal Church that emerged in North America among the English colonists and their neighbors. However, since neither the English Reformation nor the Episcopal Church developed in a vacuum, we …
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The Diaconal Hemeneutic
As we live into the fourth wave of the current renewal of the Sacred Order of Deacons in The Episcopal Church, we are gaining greater clarity about the distinctive nature of the “full and equal order,” and we are increasingly able and willing to invite the gift of prophetic servant leadership. At the heart of …
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The Anglican Bible: Scriptural Conversation & Formation
This course studies the ways the Bible has impacted Anglicanism as well as how the Bible has been interpreted and shaped by Anglicans from the English Reformation to the present day. It presupposes that a dialogue between community and text occurs in all scriptural communities of faith. Both the Bible and the church are powerful …
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What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition
It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Anglican History & Theology
Modern Anglican identity is the product of a fascinating, oft-neglected history. Meet the people and explore the events—from early roots right up to the recent GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) movement—that have shaped the Anglican Church. Examine the core convictions, contentions, and concerns that have contributed to its theology, and read works from a variety …
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Courses for Spring and Summer Sessions, 2022
This page has a full listing of all the courses Regent is offering during their Spring and Summer Sessions. All are expected to be available online, unless there is a travel component. The ones that are of particular interest for Continuing Education are also listed in this database.
The Diocese of Fredericton is graciously extending an invitation to join them in a Zoom book study looking at “how the Good News makes sense of discipleship, church, mission and everything else.” Be inspired in new ways to grow deeper in your faith and more confident in missional ministry. Over 5 weeks, explore John Bowen’s …
View course details “DISCIPLESHIP BOOK STUDY: The Unfolding Gospel”
Ethics 1
This course is a general introduction to the major theories of moral philosophy and their significance for Christian disciples and pastoral ministry. We explore both the classical moral theories that have shaped the Christian understanding of the moral life, as well as the critique and reconstruction of those theories since the rise of modernity. This …
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God and Social Justice in the Hebrew Prophets
This 10-week course will be taught by Dr. Collin Cornell Monday nights at 7 PM EST: February 14 March 21 February 21 March 28 February 28 April 4 March 7 April 18 March 14 April 25 Prophets are urgently relevant to the church’s present-day life because of their passionate insistence on God and social justice. …
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Anglican History and Theology
This course is a broad overview of the history and theology of Anglicanism, Particular focus is placed on theological debates in the Anglican tradition. The first half of the course covers key themes in Anglican history, including the contested nature of Anglicanism, the ecumenical involvement of Anglican churches, the legacy of establishment, and the public …
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