Is there a divine purpose in my people’s history? Can we discern God’s action in a world of natural causes? Why has God allowed this suffering? Such questions require both simple faith and complex reasoning. Learn to live out the answers by engaging with the political, scientific, and pastoral aspects of the doctrine of providence. …
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Reading Kierkegaard Today: His Vision, Message, and Challenge
Kierkegaard’s writings, while influential, are not sufficiently appreciated by Christians. While many think that modern life has “outgrown” religion due to a sense of intellectual superiority, Kierkegaard challenges this assumption. Together, we’ll explore his assertion that modern secularism is actually rooted in a weak understanding of the imagination and emotions. In addition, we’ll learn from …
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Male and Female in Christ
Explore New Testament texts on sex and gender, marriage, singleness, and more with contemporary questions of sexuality in mind. Discover how Scripture speaks to—and also queries, subverts, and transforms—contemporary concerns of embodiment, sexuality, gender dysphoria, and similar issues. Gain insight and thoughtfully integrate this knowledge alongside contemporary approaches to questions of sex, gender, and sexuality. …
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Systematic Theology Overview
Gain an introductory grasp of the central doctrines and tasks of Christian theology. Learn to think doctrinally in the context of our current moment, situating theology within the industrialized West’s post-Christian context. Reflect on Christianity’s central doctrines in relation to a contemporary society that’s constituted by deep pluralisms and where the logic of Christian thought …
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Martin Luther: The First Protestant Mystic?
Explore the relationship between Protestantism, evangelicalism, and mysticism through the lens of Martin Luther’s life and faith. Wrestle with the overlap between Protestant faith and medieval mystical writings by looking at Luther’s own well-documented interaction with Christianity’s mystical tradition. Discover how contemporary Protestants might similarly turn to the mystical tradition for wisdom and inspiration. Evaluate …
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Come Holy Spirit: The Paraclete in Creation, Church, and Believer
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is foundational to the life and mission of the church and the experience of each Christian believer. Deepen your understanding of this while navigating questions and complexities about the Spirit’s work in a manner that reflects biblical witness and the church’s creedal heritage. Walk away with heightened appreciation for …
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Online Master of Theological Studies Degree at Franciscan School of Theology
Explore the Connection Between Faith and Service, No Matter Where You Are The online Master of Theological Studies – Franciscan Theology (MTS) is a two-year academic program offered by the Franciscan School of Theology in partnership with the University of San Diego. Designed for working professionals and recent undergraduates alike, this unique online program is …
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Biblical Values–Not for credit
Many people in the modern world claim to espouse biblical values. This course will examine what the Bible has to say about several issues that are controversial in the modern world, including right to life, gender, social justice and the environment . It will also reflect on the difficulty of identifying a single, or even …
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Jonathan Edwards, Race, and Slavery–Not for credit
This course will explore the views and practices of British-American theologian, revivalist, and missionary Jonathan Edwards on race and slavery in the contexts of the “vast Americas” in general and of colonial New England in particular, showing the growth of African slavery and the slave trade, biblical and theological justifications for them, and evolving racial …
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Faith and Reason–Non-credit
This course will study the relation between faith in God and the capacities of human reason. The main topics will be the relation between faith in God and morality, religious experience, the problem of evil, the nature of faith, the traditional proofs for the existence of God, miracles and science, immortality, and religious pluralism. In …
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