The Holy Spirit & the Arts

For centuries many have perceived a strong bond between the work of the Spirit and artistic creativity. Talk of inspiration, spirituality, and the life of the spirit abounds when the arts are in view. This course asks why this might be so. What is it about the arts that lends themselves so easily to “spirit-talk”, …
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Shaping Your Future Leadership

Now is the moment to review and shape the leadership you bring. We will explore recognising your voice and influence, owning your life decisions, recognising the shadow you cast, knowing what energises and looking ahead with grounded hope. We will draw from the experiences of leaders in different sectors and nations. We will explore the …
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Anglican History & Theology

This course integrates history and theology together in away that shows how doctrine matters in shaping the mission of the church in every generation. It gives the opportunity for students to discover how doctrine has been contextualized in church practice, and how God has restored and renewed his wayward church time and again.

1 Peter

Go deep into the exegetical, theological, and pastoral aspects of 1 Peter—one of the few, if not the only, New Testament texts to focus on the marginalization of first-century Christians in the Roman Empire. Explore non-Pauline writings and Christian theology, and come away with a deeper understanding of how the early Christians demonstrated faith under …
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Being Human in God’s World: How the Old Testament Helps Us Understand Our Humanity in a Complex and Broken World

Who are we? Why are we here? How did we get in such a mess, and what should we do about it? These questions are the perennial questions of humanity in writing, philosophy, song… And they are the questions that underlying much of the Old Testament. In the wonderful, colourful stories and teaching of the …
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Reading & Preaching Biblical Poetry

Dive into Scripture and explore its rich poetic depths. Develop comfort and insight around biblical poetry, familiarizing yourself with its conventions, common idioms, and literary devices. Deepen your confidence in drawing on biblical poetry for ministry, learning to effectively incorporate it into your preaching. Together we will explore biblical metaphor, imagery, and other forms of …
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