Blooming in a Greenhouse World

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

Hope, Faith, and Climate Change Facilitated by Bill Clarke, SJ, Yvonne Prowse, & Greg Kennedy, SJ NEW! Grief, anger, anxiety, despair…these are natural, often unconscious, responses to incessant bad news detailing the fearsome consequences of the human assault on creation. How do we live out our vocation of hopeful creativity, justice and celebration in a …
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8-Day Directed Retreat

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

The 8-Day Directed Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and discover the path God is revealing to you. This facilitates a deepening of your relationships with God. These …
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Easter Triduum Retreat

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

This retreat begins at 8pm on Holy Thursday with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and the Washing of the Feet. It includes time for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to attend Triduum services. Spiritual direction is not normally provided for those who come only for the Triduum. It concludes on …
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Holy Week Retreat

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

The 8-Day Directed Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and discover the path God is revealing to you. This facilitates a deepening of your relationships with God. In …
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A Retreat with Jonah

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

Facilitated by Greg Kennedy, SJ NEW! Through a prayerful, playful exploration of the book of Jonah, we’ll journey with its antihero as he flees himself, his God, and his own happiness. Like Jonah, we’ll enter the belly of the beast of our own narcissism, hoping to exit wiser and more compassionate.

Les Misérables: A Lenten Retreat

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

Facilitated by Dan Leckman, SJ This guided weekend retreat will use the movie/musical “Les Misérables” to help us explore the grace of God alongside our fallen state or brokenness and the opportunities we have for redemption.

Lenten Taizé Weekend

Ignatius Jesuit Centre

Facilitated by Bernie Carroll SJ, & Dan Leckman SJ Following the Taizé monastic pattern of morning, noon and evening prayer. The Taizé weekend provides input and the opportunity of group sharing. There are times of silence.

Strangers & Angels Unaware: Demographic Change, Church Decline and Radical Hope (Free Webinar)

Canadian Council of Churches (The)

Rather than lamenting the declining attendance in our churches as a bad/sad thing, what if we see it as a Divine invitation to a radical new hope, a re-conceptualization of church in Canada. This webinar will present specific info on demographic changes and projections in the Canadian population, as well as patterns of church decline, …
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Trusting In Life – 2020 (Online)

Spirituality & Practice

By Patricia Campbell Carlson, Br. David Steindl-Rast, Margaret Wakeley Grateful living as a valid spiritual practice opens the door to what in the Christian tradition have been called the three “Divine Virtues.” They are good habits that have become second nature and connect us to the deepest reality of life, the divine spark within us. …
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Living with Beauty (E-Course)

Spirituality & Practice

“Beauty is that which glistens on the edges of our yearnings and lures us into the depth of things.” — Patricia Adams Farmer, Embracing a Beautiful God Whether we are contemplating a work of art or the striking form of a red cardinal against a snow laden tree branch, the experience of beauty involves us …
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