Learn history, listen to experiences, build relationships, and become a good ancestor. This is a course exploring core issues of reconciliation work in the diocese and farther field today. In this course you will pray, read, watch, discuss, and listen. Plus, you’ll make a personal timeline to connect your life and history to these issues. …
View course details “Deepening Understanding of Reconciliation”
By the end of this course you will know: what and how to apply core values of youth ministry youth developmental stages and characteristics principles of youth ministry ethics and safeguarding a model of professional leadership and your self as leader the intersections between professional youth work and ministry principles and practice where to go …
View course details “YLead: Equip and Empower Youth Ministry”
Course Overview This course will introduce clergy and faith leaders to the concepts of Bowen Family Systems Theory, to begin thinking about their own role and function within their family as well as their role within their faith communities. Participants interested in a package of 3 individual coaching sessions in addition to this course can contact …
View course details “Using Bowen Family Systems Theory in Ministry”
A Book Study on Leadership Leaders in organizational settings are expected to land in their roles and “hit the ground running.” Their skill is often linked to how quickly they can start moving things. But what if we took a different view of leadership? What does leadership look like when viewed through the eyes of …
View course details “Hit the Ground Kneeling: Book Study”
Over against postmodern suspicion of history, it is through the loving connection with the Church of all times and places that God provides us today with a theological identity in Christ through the Holy Spirit. This course critically engages the history of the doctrine of the Church as it has taken shape both in the …
View course details “History of Christian Doctrine”
This course introduces students to the practice of theology through exploring some of the major themes in systematic theology: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), the doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology), the doctrine of salvation (Soteriology), and the doctrine of the “Last Things” (Eschatology). Theology, as understood in this course, is a disciplined reflection …
View course details “Theology II”
Since the advent of modernity it has become increasingly common for people to view science and religion as being in conflict with one another. According to scientism and the new atheists, this is because the former relies on rationality and evidence, whilst the latter is the result of faith and superstition. In this course, we …
View course details “Science and Theology”
This course will explore the theology, dynamics and practice of being a minister in the workplace. Ministry is often, and wrongly, defined by location (in the church), by the need (solely spiritual needs) or by office (the ordained). Following the servant songs in Isaiah, and the service/ministry of Jesus we will understand ministry as all …
View course details “Monday to Saturday”
This course, in conjunction with LANG 551, introduces the student to the Greek of the New Testament and provides an opportunity to master its essential grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. The purpose of this introduction is to provide a foundation foe a lifetime of reading the original language text of the New Testament. Upon completion of …
View course details “Introduction to New Testament Greek I”
Welcome to this course on Biblical Hebrew. I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to take up the challenge. Hebrew is a rich and rewarding language to study (and with it, you will gain access to around 78% of the Bible). It will require hard work and effort, but the challenge is worth it. Language study can …
View course details “Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew I”