(A) (Pre-recorded Distance Education Option Available) The History of Christianity courses are designed as a survey of Christian history. Since most students at Regent College have had little exposure to Christian history, the survey is on an introductory level. These courses provide the best approach to Christian history for the student who is only at …
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The Christian Spirit: A History of Christian Spirituality
This course offers an introduction to the Christian spiritual tradition up to the modern period. For two millennia Christians have been praying and responding to the self-giving love of God in Jesus Christ by the gift of the Holy Spirit. This response to God has taken place under the conditions of our humanity and it …
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New Testament Foundations
Immerse yourself in the entire New Testament, one book at a time. In this overview, you will connect each book’s central message to the larger New Testament, to its own time and place in history, and especially to Jesus and his impact on those who knew him best. Gain a strong foundation that will shape …
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Introduction to Preaching and Worship
Preaching Preaching has, all too often, been taught either as a detached expository process with little critical reflection on culture and mission, or else as an attractional approach that spares little time for scripture. Both paradigms tend to produce preaching that is individualistic and rationalistic. This course explores another way: a missional approach to preaching …
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The Uses of Scripture in Theology: Examining Slavery, Sexuality, and Male-Female Relations in Light of Divine Love
Why do Christians professing a high view of biblical authority appeal to the same biblical texts and arrive at conclusions widely at variance with one another on theological and ethical issues? What accounts for such disagreements? This course offers a theological framework through which we will look at various interpretations of the Bible, evaluating claims and …
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What Is the Gospel? Implications for Preaching, Worship & Discipleship
What is the gospel, the ‘good news’ by and about Jesus of Nazareth? One of the presuppositions of this course is that although many who believe the gospel can answer the question to a significant degree, most of us have yet to fully appreciate just how ‘massive’ the gospel is. Thus we will seek to …
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The Passion of Prophecy
This Tuesday evening class will meet online for a total of 4 classes via Zoom meeting. This Lifelong Learning short course explores the power and passion of biblical prophecy. Through creative Bible study (including art, music, PowerPoint, film, and lively discussion), we will discover how the Bible uses all kinds of people—men, women, and children—as …
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The Gospel of John & Its Prologue: Fall Colloquium
Featuring: Paul Anderson (George Fox University), Stephen Chester (Wycliffe College), Michael Dauphinais (Ave Maria University), Joseph Mangina (Wycliffe College), Ben Reynolds (Tyndale University) View FULL SCHEDULE The Prologue of John’s Gospel (John 1:1—18) has been viewed by some scholars as the programmatic key to understanding the rest of the Gospel and the fullest revelation of God himself. …
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Creation, Fall and Redemption
An in-depth examination of the Christian doctrines of creation, fall, and redemption as articulated over history and across cultures. Issues considered include image of God, the infinite and the finite, conceptions of the fall, the existence of suffering, and the meaning of atonement and redemption. Prerequisite: TH 501
Biblical Theology of Suffering & Hope
Suffering is experienced both individually and in communities all over the world. How does Scripture help us to understand the nature of suffering and how to respond to suffering? How is the Christian hope understood in light of suffering? This course will explore how Scripture addresses these questions. Examining the powerful message of the Old …
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