Engage Difference: Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Be part of Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry (DUIM). This is a 5-day interactive and engaging program with practical ideas for implementation in your own context. This program held for five days focused on faith, heart, mind, and skills for the art of intercultural ministry. If you are a ministry leader or community …
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Unsettling – How faith communities can be “unsettled” and work towards right relations with Indigenous peoples

New Leaf Network

Many Christians and faith communities across Canada desire deeply to meet the Calls to Action developed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report. But sometimes knowing where to start is a difficult task. Join us for a three week series, in preparation for September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We’ll learn how …
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Blessed are the Undone: Leading in the era of quiet deconstruction

New Leaf Network

The Canadian church has seen its fair share of shifts and trends in recent years…. … you may be familiar with the term “deconstruction,” or perhaps you or someone you love has gone through a season of questioning, spiritual peril or even a total loss of the Christian faith. The implications of a faith unmooring …
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Essentials for Youth Ministry

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

Are you wondering what the best practices are for teaching, mentoring, or ministering to young people today? Learn from Candler School of Theology professors who have been invested in theological education for youth for several decades (Editor: in an American context). Whether you are a youth minister, a volunteer, or a parent, you will learn …
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Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

Do you want to learn how to use conflict as a tool for transforming relationships and social dynamics? Candler School of Theology professors in ethics and conflict transformation guide you through the process of evaluating and engaging conflict in a theological framework. The lessons in this track will equip you with practical skills such as: …
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Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education: Youth Ministry

Yale Divinity School

Despite ongoing anti-racism efforts in our nation racism continues to flourish. If most Americans align with a faith or tradition that upholds values of justice and equity why are we still “here” in this static space? Join us for three sessions as we answer this question by journeying back to our roots: digging up the …
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Sober October

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

Join the Rev. Erin Jean Warde in a 5-week study of her book, Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol. In this course, you’ll explore how alcohol affects us in mind, body, and soul, such that you will be encouraged to get prayerfully curious about how drinking shows up in your life, …
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School for Lay Ministry Learning Community

Luther Seminary

Transform Your Ministry in Just One Year with Theologically-Sound Training & Leadership Development Unleash Your Leadership Potential with the School for Lay Ministry Learning Community From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, faith leaders, like you, serve their congregations in various roles. Often, you do so without the theological background or …
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Islam 101: Understanding Muslim Neighbors

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

When you hear the words ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam,’ what comes to mind? This course will survey key elements of Islam as a religious and cultural tradition from its historical beginnings to its contemporary global expressions. Students need no prior knowledge for this course as we will develop basic familiarity with the Islamic tradition’s figures, beliefs, …
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And It Was Good

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

In this five-part series taught by leading scholars and theologians, you will explore the intersections of theology, spirituality, and ethics in ways that signal hopeful and generative responses to the shifting and changing realities of global warming. When God created the earth, God brought all light and darkness, land and water, and animals and humans …
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