Mental Health and Conflict in Faith Communities–ONLINE

Credence and Co.

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis As the awareness of mental health challenges grows in the church, church leaders require skills and tools to navigate the intersection between mental health and conflict. This two-morning workshop addresses such questions as, “How does mental health impact how we approach conflict?” and “What strategies and tools can be deployed when …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations–ONLINE

Credence and Co.

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis or Betty Pries This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. This four-morning workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be …
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Courageous Conversations: Speaking Truth in Love

Credence and Co.

Facilitator: Dr. Betty Pries While giving and receiving feedback is difficult in the workplace, it is even more challenging in the congregational context where the desire to be kind can outweigh a commitment to honesty and where most of those to whom feedback might be given or from whom feedback might be received are volunteers. …
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The Good Book Club: Introducing the Gospel of Mark

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

The Gospel of Mark presents the good news of Jesus Christ to a tumultuous world. It tells the story of an unexpected messiah who preaches a new kingdom and calls a new community into beginning to live in that kingdom. This 90-minute online webinar provides a foundation for students to read the Gospel of Mark …
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Congregational Mission

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Pastoral leaders face the challenge and opportunity of leading parishes and congregations in mission. This course will introduce students to ideas and practices informed by the missio dei (the Mission of God), for the support of congregational mission. Themes covered will include the spirituality of mission, neighbourhood engagement, eucharistic missiology, and new monasticism.  

Anglican History and Theology

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

This course is a broad overview of the history and theology of Anglicanism, Particular focus is placed on theological debates in the Anglican tradition. The first half of the course covers key themes in Anglican history, including the contested nature of Anglicanism, the ecumenical involvement of Anglican churches, the legacy of establishment, and the public …
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Theology for a Global Church

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

In the 21st century, Christianity is a truly global religion. Christians are found across the world in countless cultures and contexts. This course explores the implications of this global reality for the practice of Christian ministry. Students will read a variety of theologians from non-western contexts to come to a greater understanding of the shape …
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Spiritual Memoir: Where a Life Meets Mystery

Episcopal House of Prayer (The)

Join Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew for a weekend introduction to the art and spiritual practice of writing memoir. What is memoir, and how is it different from autobiography? What makes memoir spiritual? How can the practice of writing memoir, either for an audience or for no audience, support spiritual growth? Using writing exercises and readings from …
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