Beginning with the premise that all theology is contextual, we will explore—through the lens of postcolonialism—how theology in the global south and elsewhere has been contextualized. Expect to gain a solid grounding in postcolonial theory, in particular key concepts such as Orientalism, otherness, hybridity, hegemony, subalternity, and their relevance to evangelical theology. Format Onsite/Online Credit …
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Partaking of the Divine Nature: Salvation, Holiness and the Doctrine of God
Christian salvation is a gift, but what is the nature of that gift? The doctrine of theosis suggests that God’s best gift in salvation is, quite simply, God’s self. Theosis––also called “divinization” or “deification”––teaches that God the Father sends the Son and the Spirit so that the saints may partake of the Trinity’s own divine …
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Humor, Laughter, Foolishness: Performing Love, Resilience and Resistance
To be able to laugh, to have humor and to be foolish are all tremendous forms of resistance, of showing love/compassion and affirming life in a time where depression, anger, sadness and disasters are mounting. This course follows a Christian Russian tradition called Sacred Fools and intends to be a practical-theoretical way of engaging humor, …
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A Christianity to Call Home
Recent census data reveals that over half of the population in BC identify as ‘no religion.’ People who have spent some or all of their life in Christianity feel less and less at home there. For 60 years, many have imagined that Christianity isn’t so much dying as going through a once in an epoch …
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Clothed in God: Christian Mystics
The Most Rev. Dr. Lynne McNaughton will lead this course. “There is no need to look for God here or there. God is no farther away than the door of your own heart.” Meister Eckhart Mystics are people with vivid, direct experience of God. Often dismissed by the patriarchy as ethereal, they are instead grounded in community, …
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The Anglican Bible: Scriptural Conversation & Formation
What is particular and peculiar about the Bible in Anglicanism? What do Anglican bring to their reading, study, and interpretation of the Bible? How does the Bible affect the way Anglicans live out their faith through worship, study, and many forms of ministry and service? In answering these questions this course studies how the Bible …
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What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition
It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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21 Questions about the Trinity That We Have Always Wanted to Know
St. Aidan’s Church, in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, will be running a three-session Zoom course on the Trinity, taught by Rev. Kim Salo. The course is open to anyone in the diocese, and will be held over the course of three Sundays, January 15 – 29.If you would like to join us for this …
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Living Our Faith: An Introduction to Christian Ethics with Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
This course will introduce students to the theological foundations of Christian ethics in a way that equips them to consider diverse perspectives and practices of faithful living that are shaped and patterned by the teachings of Jesus Christ and as they have developed over time through the witness of the Christian Church. While certainly not …
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Jesus in Context
Jesus in Context examines Jesus as a human being: as a Jewish reformer, prophet, teacher, storyteller, and as designated by others: Savior, Word (Logos), and Wisdom (Sophia), since these are first-century views. We will also include “Son/Child of Humanity/(M)an,” Son of David, and Son of God which also belong to the first century C.E. and …
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