At the heart of the academic field of ethics is a question about the good. There are many ways of approaching this question: philosophical, biblical, traditional, to name a few. While this course will touch on these three and others, it is designed around the role of “pastor.” Therefore, our guiding question will be, What …
View course details “Pastoral Ethics”
The aim of this course is the preparation of expository preachers who by means of careful exegesis of both text and contemporary culture, can, in the power of the Spirit, become agents of Christ’s redemptive address to the church and the world. They will thus be able to equip the whole people of God for …
View course details “Introduction to Preaching and Worship”
This course is designed to help students explore some of the critical theological and personal dynamics of being and becoming persons who are image-bearers, persons-in-relation with the triune God, their fellow human, and creation, persons joyfully participating in God’s mission to the world of people and creation. The overarching goal is to help students in …
View course details “Soul of Ministry: Becoming Persons-in-Relation”
This course is an introduction to the thirteen powerful letters attributed to Paul in the New Testament. Together we will investigate Paul’s inspiring life of faith, and the life-transforming teaching contained in his letters. We will pay special attention to the issues raised when we seek to apply Paul’s insights to our lives today. Credit …
View course details “Paul & His Letters”
We all need spiritual exemplars to show us what the Christian life looks like in experience. This course looks at five spiritual biographies from the history of the church in five days for what they might teach us about how to live deeply the life of faith today. Each day we will look at one …
View course details “Lives of the Saints: Studies in Spiritual Biography”
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is foundational to the life and mission of the church and the experience of each Christian believer. Deepen your understanding of this while navigating questions and complexities about the Spirit’s work in a manner that reflects biblical witness and the church’s creedal heritage. Walk away with a heightened appreciation for …
View course details “Come Holy Spirit”
This course will explore spirituality, theology, and practices for faith formation with children and youth. By digging deep into the purposes, goals, and presuppositions we carry with us into our experiences of children’s and youth ministry, students will learn about and generate best practices for walking alongside young people on the adventure of discipleship. In …
View course details “Re-Imagining Ministry with Children and Youth”
This seminar takes the form of reading and discussing Charles Taylor’s Templeton Prize Winning book, A Secular Age, as well as significant reviews/review essays and responses to it. The book chronicles the rise of Western (North Atlantic) secularity, signal features of which are the marginalization of religious institutions and their influence in public life. The …
View course details “Secular Age”
Who is the Other? In a society so culturally and religiously diverse as Canada, how do we, current and future leaders of church and society, build just relations with the Other without breaching the Other’s identity? This course explores these questions and their spiritual implications for our time and place. A particular focus of this …
View course details “Intercultural Theology and Spirituality”
This course is designed for students interested in the development of the missional theology conversation in North America, attending to both significant themes and the key theologians who shaped the discourse over the last several decades. The missional church movement involves a reimaging of ecclesiology in light of a robust missiology, rooted in divine agency …
View course details “Missional Theology in a Post-Christendom World”