Reading Kierkegaard Today: His Vision, Message, and Challenge

Regent College

Kierkegaard’s writings, while influential, are not sufficiently appreciated by Christians. While many think that modern life has “outgrown” religion due to a sense of intellectual superiority, Kierkegaard challenges this assumption. Together, we’ll explore his assertion that modern secularism is actually rooted in a weak understanding of the imagination and emotions. In addition, we’ll learn from …
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New Testament Foundations

Regent College

Immerse yourself in the entire New Testament, one book at a time. In this overview, you will connect each book’s central message to the larger New Testament, to its own time and place in history, and especially to Jesus and his impact on those who knew him best. Gain a strong foundation that will shape …
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Male and Female in Christ

Regent College

Explore New Testament texts on sex and gender, marriage, singleness, and more with contemporary questions of sexuality in mind. Discover how Scripture speaks to—and also queries, subverts, and transforms—contemporary concerns of embodiment, sexuality, gender dysphoria, and similar issues. Gain insight and thoughtfully integrate this knowledge alongside contemporary approaches to questions of sex, gender, and sexuality. …
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Systematic Theology Overview

Regent College

Gain an introductory grasp of the central doctrines and tasks of Christian theology. Learn to think doctrinally in the context of our current moment, situating theology within the industrialized West’s post-Christian context. Reflect on Christianity’s central doctrines in relation to a contemporary society that’s constituted by deep pluralisms and where the logic of Christian thought …
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Martin Luther: The First Protestant Mystic?

Regent College

Explore the relationship between Protestantism, evangelicalism, and mysticism through the lens of Martin Luther’s life and faith. Wrestle with the overlap between Protestant faith and medieval mystical writings by looking at Luther’s own well-documented interaction with Christianity’s mystical tradition. Discover how contemporary Protestants might similarly turn to the mystical tradition for wisdom and inspiration. Evaluate …
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Old Testament Foundations

Regent College

This course aims to present an overview of the background and contents of the books that make up the Old Testament, and to offer some reflection on the question of how they are best read together as part of the Christian canon of Scripture, and how they should shape both the Christian life and the …
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Four Short Letters from Paul

Regent College

Discover the immeasurable depths of four of Paul’s shortest letters: Colossians, Philippians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Though brief, these letters have much to offer Christians in our age. See how the Apostle Paul deals with issues that sound almost contemporary and discuss their relevance to today’s headlines. To deepen our understanding of these texts, we’ll …
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Come Holy Spirit: The Paraclete in Creation, Church, and Believer

Regent College

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is foundational to the life and mission of the church and the experience of each Christian believer. Deepen your understanding of this while navigating questions and complexities about the Spirit’s work in a manner that reflects biblical witness and the church’s creedal heritage. Walk away with heightened appreciation for …
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