World Council of Churches (Geneva Library)

Ecumenical Centre Library 150 route de Ferney PO Box 2100
1211 Geneva 2/
Phone: +41 22 791 6279
Fax: +41 22 710 2425

The World Council of Churches/Geneva Library:

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized ecumenical movement, a movement whose goal is Christian unity.

The WCC brings together more than 340 churches, denominations and church fellowships in over 100 countries and territories throughout the world, representing some 400 million Christians and including most of the world’s Orthodox churches, scores of denominations from such historic traditions of the Protestant Reformation as Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Reformed, as well as many united and independent churches. While the bulk of the WCC’s founding churches were European and North American, today most are in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific.

WCC Program Work:

WCC programs relate to the Council’s five “historic” themes: Faith and order; mission and ecumenical formation; justice, peace and creation; international affairs, peace and human security; and diakonia and solidarity.

These include: Unity of the church; Mission and evangelism; Ecumencial formation; Ethics of life and alternatives to globalization; Ecumenical advocacy and peaceful resolution of conflicts; Diakonia and solidarity; Decade to overcome violence 2001-2010; Dialogue with neighbours of other religions; Ecumenical focus on Africa; Nurturing the fellowship of churches; Communicating the fellowship; Telling the ecumenical story.

For more information please visit the website.