Wellspring Community (The)

17 Taurus Street
Inala, Qld 4077




The Wellspring Community is an ecumenical community of lay and ordained men and women who are seeking new ways of living the gospel in Australia.

We are a dispersed ecumenical community in Australia. We aim to live prophetically, see God’s presence in each moment and person, work for reconciliation and practise peace.

Inspired by the Iona Community known world-wide for its radical and prophetic Christianity, liturgical renewal and engagement with local and global issues, the Wellspring Community was founded in 1992.


Who We Are

Wellspring Community is a Christian community; therefore reconciliation between people and Christ is central in our lives.  Deepening Christian spirituality and evangelism are essential. Prayer and bible study are priorities. Christ is in the world.

We believe that politics and economics are essential areas for Christians to be involved. We are committed to seeking a new, just economic order. Like the Iona Community we seek to rebuild the common life, bringing together work and worship, prayer and politics, sacred and secular, both globally and in our local community.

The windmill symbolises the Wellspring Community. An Australian icon like Vegemite, the windmill expresses our desire to live an Australian Christian faith that is integral to our culture and environment.

A windmill is wind driven. The blades of the windmill, the men and women of the Community, are impelled by the wind of God. A circular rim, expressing the unity of the Community, connects the blades to each other and the mill itself. The rim evokes the circle in the Celtic cross, the circle of eternity, the Alpha and the Omega, the globe of the earth, and the centrality of Christ.

We rotate with purpose. We connect to the land. We draw Jesus’ life-giving water from the vast aquifers in the depths of this ancient land. From this eternal wellspring, water gushes to fill the troughs, tanks, and wells sometimes to sustain the flourishing life of a rugged land and at other times to transform life in a harsh, arid and occasionally degraded environment.

Please note that we share our name with other similarly-named organisations in Australia and throughout the world. Many of these share things in common with us – including the Christian faith and the Christian metaphor used in Scripture that inspires the name “Wellspring” – but they are distinct organisations. Our community is inspired by The Iona Community in the U.K. and has much in common with that community.

Read our PiPELINE

Our quarterly publication provides stimulating articles on spirituality, justice, creation and faith. Find out the latest news and information about our community.

Read the latest Pipeline

Explore with us

People gather in small groups throughout Australia from different Christian traditions. They explore ways of living the gospel of Jesus in today’s world.
Find a group near you

Live out your faith

Wellspring members and friends are committed to living out the Christian faith in areas of concern in the Australian community, such as treatment of asylum seekers. There are several other areas of concern in which we are engaged too.

Find out more …

Become a friend or member

When you join Wellspring Community you become part of an Australia-wide prophetic community of followers of Jesus.

Find out more about membership.

For more information please visit the website.