Summer Institute of Church Music
What is SICM?
The Summer Institute of Church Music is Canada’s intensive week-long residential summer study program geared at the musicians of churches of all sizes and denominations. Grounded in the creative and inspired use of organ and choir in worship it seeks to celebrate and extend new horizons in church music, committed always to helping its members and their churches maintain the highest standards possible. Students attend classes and private lessons with leading guest instructors and workshops. The Institute also administers the biennial Florence and Stanley Osborne Organ Scholarship Competition, recognizing excellence in young Canadian organists by awarding funds in their pursuit of advanced study in church music.
Who attends SICM?
Organists, Choral Directors, Praise Team leaders, Choristers, Handbell Choir Leaders from across Canada and beyond, from every Christian denomination, and at every level of ability.
Summer Institute of Church Music – Holy Song Program
For more information please visit the website.