St. George’s House:
St. George’s House is located within the walls of Windsor Castle. Over the last 40 years it has become known for hosting high level residential consultations on moral and social issues facing the modern world. Participation is by invitation only to ensure a wide range of views.
January and July Clergy Courses:
These courses are aimed at ordained ministers who are likely to be aged between 35 and 50. The courses give participants a special opportunity to assess how they may best develop and use their gifts in the future life and mission of the Church.
October Clergy Course:
This lasts ten days and is focused on helping ministers with wide experience and particular responsibilites within the Church. Most participants are likely to be within the last ten to fifteen years of their paid employment. They tend to be the sort of people that others always rely on but who seldom get the chance to take time to think about their own needs and concerns.
For more information please visit the website.